🚨 Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024; 10% drop from black males

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Comparing the 2022 midterms to 2018 is insane. This reminds me of the hand wringing we saw after 2010. The party that isn't in the WH always has increased voter turnout during a midterm. People are mad at the president and make their voice heard. Ironically, 2022 was supposed to be that type of election for republicans but wasn't. Total republican turnout was higher, but democrat turnout was exceptionally high for a midterm where the party controlled the WH.

A year from now we're going to be talking about Trump being poised to get the republican nomination. If you think anyone - black people or otherwise - will stay home next November you're crazy.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Its all going to come down to the economy. The economy will only get worse between now and the 2024 election. Folks will want change, regardless of whose fault it is. I personally wouldn't be surprised if the DNC pulls out a ringer at the Democratic Convention and nominate someone like Gina Raimondo. She's fully bought and paid for by Wall St., but as a former 2 term governor, and current commerce secretary, they can say she's the most qualified, and she's a woman. FYI, the DNC is a private entity and can choose any nominee it wants. Voters be damned. Here is what the DNC attorney argued in court, when Bernie Sanders sued the DNC back in 2017:

"f you had a charity where somebody said, Hey, I'm gonna take this money and use it for a specific purpose, X, and they pocketed it and stole the money, of course that's different. But here, where you have a party that's saying, We're gonna, you know, choose our standard bearer, and we're gonna follow these general rules of the road, which we are voluntarily deciding, we could have — and we could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we're gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right, and it would drag the Court well into party politics, internal party politics to answer those questions."


Mar 11, 2022
This has been a disturbing trend for a while now with black men. Every single election since Barack Obama first one the share of black male voters for the democrats has dropped. Obama didn’t win the same amount, Hilary lost more and so did Biden so this trend seems to be continuous (95 to 86)

That being said it’s all correlated to the economics of black men in general and that’s not something Democrats nor republicans can fully control since the economy is very decentralized.

Here’s the second problem for Joe he can talk about his investment but as Bill Clinton once said the voters have to “Feel like it’s happening to them” not tell them it.

This is why I wish Joe went all in on his free college tuition plan and absolutely destroy Manchin and Sinema for blocking him. This is where Gavin Newsome absolutely shines. He will go bold and big and let the chips fall where they may. The Governor of Wisconsin is like this as well.

National Democrats have to stop being so scared of everything and push your universal health care bills, your four day work week plan, your strong Union bills and free college tuition plans (All great policies) and let the chips drop. Give these black men something to “Feel” and gravitate towards.
Newsome will be shaking shyt up within the next few years. I have no doubt. It will be a joy watching him dog walk republicans in a debate.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That's not actually what he said but I'mma let you cook.

Watch the video people, not these NY post headlines

Yep this is pre 'splaining for either a loss or a "win" by the skin of their teeth.

Why are they so sure Black women are so in the tank for the Democrats too?

Same people told us Desantis was a threat :jbhmm:

Honestly, the democrats and lefts biggest problem is that they have too many women and others speaking for them and not enough masculine straight men that can be respected as a peer.

You have Biden, Obama. But out side of those two there really is not a strong voice that is relatable.

Republicans have that issue too, but they also have a propaganda machine powering them. So optics and ordinary tricks dont matter to them.

Black men have only been behind black women when it comes to voting democrat & what we constantly get in return is apathy, lowkey shameful rhetoric like this article, and a couple brehs in office that make little to no positive impact on our lives.

Then if we call this out or keep the same energy we basically get treated like a dog biting it’s leash so I’m not surprised at these numbers. Most active liberals & leftist encourage or allow man-bashing tbh.


It's a two party system. Folks aren't going anywhere and they know it. :camby:

I've been saying since Biden took the oath, not only would Trump be the nominee, but this is why you can't count him out from winning. The amount of people who aren't going to vote I believe will surprise people.

Comparing the 2022 midterms to 2018 is insane. This reminds me of the hand wringing we saw after 2010. The party that isn't in the WH always has increased voter turnout during a midterm. People are mad at the president and make their voice heard. Ironically, 2022 was supposed to be that type of election for republicans but wasn't. Total republican turnout was higher, but democrat turnout was exceptionally high for a midterm where the party controlled the WH.

A year from now we're going to be talking about Trump being poised to get the republican nomination. If you think anyone - black people or otherwise - will stay home next November you're crazy.

Democratic president wins= thank black women

Democratic president loses = blame black men

Cater to black women and lgbtqa+ and not realize you still need the black male vote liberal brehettes....

Its all going to come down to the economy. The economy will only get worse between now and the 2024 election. Folks will want change, regardless of whose fault it is. I personally wouldn't be surprised if the DNC pulls out a ringer at the Democratic Convention and nominate someone like Gina Raimondo. She's fully bought and paid for by Wall St., but as a former 2 term governor, and current commerce secretary, they can say she's the most qualified, and she's a woman. FYI, the DNC is a private entity and can choose any nominee it wants. Voters be damned. Here is what the DNC attorney argued in court, when Bernie Sanders sued the DNC back in 2017:

"f you had a charity where somebody said, Hey, I'm gonna take this money and use it for a specific purpose, X, and they pocketed it and stole the money, of course that's different. But here, where you have a party that's saying, We're gonna, you know, choose our standard bearer, and we're gonna follow these general rules of the road, which we are voluntarily deciding, we could have — and we could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we're gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right, and it would drag the Court well into party politics, internal party politics to answer those questions."

Roland had a massive segment on this and even argued with his female panelist about this at 44:15 and 1:27:40 :whew:


the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Its all going to come down to the economy. The economy will only get worse between now and the 2024 election. Folks will want change, regardless of whose fault it is. I personally wouldn't be surprised if the DNC pulls out a ringer at the Democratic Convention and nominate someone like Gina Raimondo. She's fully bought and paid for by Wall St., but as a former 2 term governor, and current commerce secretary, they can say she's the most qualified, and she's a woman. FYI, the DNC is a private entity and can choose any nominee it wants.
im all for that, but replace biden with Newsom

the last thing we need to do in '24 is run a woman again :snoop:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Its all going to come down to the economy. The economy will only get worse between now and the 2024 election. Folks will want change, regardless of whose fault it is. I personally wouldn't be surprised if the DNC pulls out a ringer at the Democratic Convention and nominate someone like Gina Raimondo. She's fully bought and paid for by Wall St., but as a former 2 term governor, and current commerce secretary, they can say she's the most qualified, and she's a woman. FYI, the DNC is a private entity and can choose any nominee it wants. Voters be damned. Here is what the DNC attorney argued in court, when Bernie Sanders sued the DNC back in 2017:

"f you had a charity where somebody said, Hey, I'm gonna take this money and use it for a specific purpose, X, and they pocketed it and stole the money, of course that's different. But here, where you have a party that's saying, We're gonna, you know, choose our standard bearer, and we're gonna follow these general rules of the road, which we are voluntarily deciding, we could have — and we could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we're gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right, and it would drag the Court well into party politics, internal party politics to answer those questions."


We need year-long bans from posters that make these outrageous states of the GOP winning big.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
im all for that, but replace biden with Newsom

the last thing we need to do in '24 is run a woman again :snoop:

They very well could run Gavin Newsom, I just threw up Gina Raimondo because she kinda fits the mold of what they originally wanted out of Kamala.


Feb 16, 2017
This sums up how we got here. You think the republican base gives a flying fukk about the infrastructure bill? :heh: or any such political minutiae for that matter? No

You know what they do care about? Overturning Roe v Wade. Turning Florida into 1950s Alabama. Conservatives judges permeating circuit courts all over the country. SC control for the next 40 years despite losing every popular vote this century :dead: The forest, not the damn hedges

You take 100 maga white boys they all gon vote republican. Nggas?
‘mmm I wanna weigh my options whats da tangibles’ :snoop:
I agree with you and according to the article Black Men as a whole agree with you. But the Surpreme Court that was packed by Trump ruled that Alabama needs at least two Black districts and Alabama constitutionalists said Hell No!!! I mean if white people allow that to happen and allow a guy who basically tried to have a self coup to become president then would could 6 to 7 percent of the population do?

Asking Black people to save the country is a very tall order and unfair.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
But lets be honest, what do the GOP have for 2024? A candidate that is behind bars? :ld:

IF some gullible black men that are "free thinkers" that want to embrace a sinking ship of white bigotry, financially bankrupt state GOP organizations, AA and abortion rights taken away, then they on the wrong side of history.
This ain’t that Reed Richards :russ:
You nikkas be grasping for straws to defend any verbiage that holds contempt for black men
Black men just don’t up and vote for republicans and we damn sure don’t buy into the ideology of “free thinkers”:childplease:
The Dems know they are in trouble because let’s be honest(your words)
They ain’t did shyt for black people period
Black people have watched other groups get everything they ask for
Stop Asian Hate/Asian Crime Bill
Immigrants(mainly Mexican/South Americans) moving into mostly black neighborhoods destroying the ecosystem
LMNOP getting all kinds of shyt
Black people ask not to get killed in the street by police and its:unimpressed:
The Dems are doing this shyt to themselves
The groups I listed above don’t even fukking vote Dem at a high clip
53% of white women voted for the same patriarchal government
Then tried to back door with a woman’s march
They didn’t vote for Hilary
But it’s somehow black mens fault this country is burning:skip:
Y’all can miss me with the dumbshyt
Y’all can play obtuse and blind bird box
But I can see the play
And ain’t nan nikka on this fukk ass site gon make me capitulate
Shuck and jive for any party on this god forsaken planet