I would be curious to see the type of news and social media content absorbed by the people you've talked to. I've spoken with people irl who've said similar things and 99% of the time its not that they're low information. They're in an information bubble of lies, half truths and misinformation.
The stark truth is that a lot of people don't even know what to care about and reflexively adopt whatever political position their social media algorithm leads them to. We need to grasp that we are presently in the midst of one of the largest social engineering experiements in human history via social media. It partly explains why our politics have become so fractured and why the positions of voters seem to always be illogical and contradictory relative to their lived experiences. This is information warfare and the right is winning by default due to their proximity to capital. That's the larger issue at hand here.
How do Dems even begin to compete with this, when the right has billions of dollars in resources to brand them as weird regardless of whatever their positions are? Its incredible that Democrats are still even able to win in this environment.
Good points and I agree with most of everything that you said. I group the “misinformed” voter with the “low” informed voter because to even care about the gender issues to the degree that they do is because of social media indoctrination.
My solution would be to fight dirty like the Republicans do and create online bot farms that are designed to counter misinformation and to correct the record. I don’t know if you’ve chatted with A.I conversationally before but they by default adopt a “liberal” worldview and wouldn’t even need prodding to debate for the Dems if given the chance. 9 times out of 10 Dems are objectively more correct on issues than Republicans.
As it pertains to this past election, I struggle to find real examples of Kamala aggresively championing LGBTQ rights during her campaign. Her campaign went the extra mile to appeal to moderates and still lost.
Sort of disagree here, there has been leaks from the campaign that the Biden campaign was running a 400 EV deficit prior to Kamala taking over. The fact that she brought the margins as close as she did was remarkable and her strategy played a role in closing the gap.
Even though she tried to ignore talking about LGBTQ issues the most effective ad used against her as admitted by both campaigns was the 2020 interview of her saying she supported tax payer funded transgender surgeries for illegal migrants.