Democratic Party Rebuild


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
"Instead of booing your QB throwing the 4th interception of the game, you should boo the opposing cornerback running it in for a pick-six!"
You absolutely refuse to hold Republicans to account for being exponentially worse :russ:

There’s no wonder democrats are unpopular right now, they’re constantly under-siege from the left and right flank.

There needs to be a ratio that should be respected.

Republicans should be attacked at least twice as much as Democrats by lefties and there should be a solution offered with every reoccurring complaint directed towards the democrats.

Criticism is one thing but at least make it constructive

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
You absolutely refuse to hold Republicans to account for being exponentially worse :russ:
:why: how so?? I'm the one who spent the entire election cycle disgusted at the "Rehabilitated Republicans" campaign that you and the DNC Libs were cheering for. As I've said multiple times over many years, Republicans are a domestic terrorist death cult and have absolutely no business being allowed to live in - much less govern - a healthy, worthwhile society.

There’s no wonder democrats are unpopular right now, they’re constantly under-siege from the left and right flank.

There needs to be a ratio that should be respected.

Republicans should be attacked at least twice as much as Democrats by lefties and there should be a solution offered with every reoccurring complaint directed towards the democrats.

Democrats are unpopular right now because they're a do-nothing party with no heart or soul. They're under siege from the left and right because they refuse to adopt a meaningful, powerful political agenda based in moral, effective governance. The dynamic you're describing is the same with every centrist party, be it the Liberal Party in the UK and Canada or the Socialist Party in France or the SPD in Germany. They're all under constant pressure from the left and right flank of the political spectrum. The difference is that often those center-left parties are forced to make formal concessions to the left (or right) and enter into coalition governments. Unlike the European/parliamentarian system, America's political duopoly means there is no explicitly leftist party for the left to act with autonomy, so they're forced to push their agenda through the Democratic Party, which leads to the criticism ratio being a bit more skewed towards the Democrats. But there is no country in the world where the left just shut up and accept the centre-left party as their political representatives with no criticism.

Your premise is that the American left only criticizes the Democrats and gives Republicans the thumbs up, which is bullshyt. Go ask any leftist what they think about Mitch McConnell or Mike Johnson. You're complaining because they rightly criticize the Democrats as well, but that's because the Democrats are the vehicle the left is trying to work through. The Republican Party is not a viable option for the left, so it becomes an exercise in useless tautology to continuously say "the bad guys are bad!" It's axiomatic within the left. What's more fruitful in the pursuit of enacting a leftist agenda is to whip the Democrats into shape. For y'all in the center/center-left, the Republicans are not irredeemably bad, so you need to hear constant critiques to abate your ideological desire to give them a chance.

Criticism is one thing but at least make it constructive
Here's a stock piece of constructive criticism from the left: drop the neoliberalism and adopt a political program dedicated to actually delivering material benefits to the lives of the working class, like universal healthcare, paid family leave, free college, universal childcare, a fair tax system, etc.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Is a trans woman a woman?
Sure. A tall woman is a woman. A short woman is a woman. A black woman is a woman. An asian woman is a woman. A gay woman is a woman. A straight woman is a woman. A blonde woman is a woman. A brunette woman is a woman. A rich woman is a woman. A poor woman is a woman. A cisgender woman is a woman. A trans woman is a woman.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
To be fair they don’t bring up JFK, LBJ either.

FDR was President over 80 years ago
The timelines are arbitrary. Both parties invoke George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's mummified ass all the time. The real reason they default to Reagan is because they've capitulated to the fact that we're living in the shadow of Reagan. The Democratic Party is run by the Watergate Babies who have given up and accepted Reagan's total victory. Now it's just Reagan-lite vs Reagan-heavy. Republicans effectively created a culture of hero-worship around Reagan, and instead of doing the same with their political father, the Democrats have started worshipping the Republican's father. And it's because they would rather live in Reagan's world than FDR's. They're scared and ashamed of power.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
The timelines are arbitrary. Both parties invoke George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's mummified ass all the time. The real reason they default to Reagan is because they've capitulated to the fact that we're living in the shadow of Reagan. The Democratic Party is run by the Watergate Babies who have given up and accepted Reagan's total victory. Now it's just Reagan-lite vs Reagan-heavy. Republicans effectively created a culture of hero-worship around Reagan, and instead of doing the same with their political father, the Democrats have started worshipping the Republican's father. And it's because they would rather live in Reagan's world than FDR's. They're scared and ashamed of power.
FDR wasn’t a champion for black people. In fact one could ask, would he be able to pass the new deal if blacks weren’t subjugated? Would he still want to pass it?