Naw, there is nothing to discuss. She may have reasons, justifications, and excuses, but the damage has been done.
@The Illest
How you feel is unhealthy, not because it's your mother, not because she "raised" you, not because you owe her some sentimental based loyalty, or any of the other nonsense people try throwing around to guilt you into caring.
It's unhealthy because she still has an effect on your life, how you behave, and the decisions you make.
If someone is a negative, remove them from your life. You don't owe anyone your presence. If they are a drag on you, end the relationship as you would anyone else. You may not cut your parents completely off, but
you should not allow them to effect your life in any way. You don't need permission to hate your mother, or not wish to have her in your life. Just make the decision.
In other words...
Your family doesn't matter. If they are a positive, keep them around, but if they are bringing you down, make the decision to keep them out of your life.
Most importantly, don't allow yourself to be emotionally invested in them.