Decatur is 4.6 square miles with a population of 25k.
I compared Decatur to Oak Park, which is an area that I lived near and Oak Park is roughly the same size around 4.6 miles but with double the population at 54k.
I can drive through one end of Oak Park to the other end within 5 minutes. It is not a large suburb whatsoever.
Compare that with another suburb Naperville, which is 40 square miles and has a population of 150k. That’s a big ass suburb. And Naperville is hardly the wealthiest town but if you picked it up and placed it in Atlanta, it would be wealthier than Alpharetta, Duluth, and John’s Creek combined. It has the population of all three of those towns with an average income that is par and/or surpasses the three.
I guess shyt is just relative.