Debunking Federal Reserve conspiracy theories

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
so wait, we outsource the monetary responsibility because... we dont have people competent enough to do a good job?


thats the dumbest shyt i ever heard.

and even if that was the case why not just hire fed economists and still make the fed a completely public entity?

oh riiiight, because we are so concerned about keeping political and corporate influence out of monetary policy... :sitdown:

yea fukking right... big money owns the government and owns the politicians and the fed is just another manifestation of that principle.
We don't outscource it. That's what I'm trying to explain to you, but you are apparently too dense to understand that. Monetary policy is made by the federally-appointed Board of Governors. It needs the Federal Reserve banks and their member banks and their pool of assets to function; to be able to lend and buy and sell treasuries, etc. 38% of the national banks in the nation are part of the Federal Reserve system. If you have a checking/saving account with a bank, there's a good chance you're a depositor in the Fed. The FOMC makes decisions, the member banks execute those decisions. Is this really that hard for you to comprehend?

Do you still think the Bank of England and the Rothschilds make monetary policy? :laff: You don't even know shyt about the Fed...not even the most basic, rudimentary surface level knowledge about its structure, yet you insist on pretending you a clue what you're talking about...unbelievable.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
it makes no sense. 1) it's a fatal error in governing and 2) they're not even doing that great of a job... we've have several financial collapses since the implementation of the fed and we're currently 14 trillie in debt and climbing.

lol...and the Fed is the reason for the $16 trillion dollar debt? Is that right Mr. "fukk politics I don't pay attention to it"? :laff:

Why don't you perform this very simple task for me: Compile a list of nations that have a central banking system and compile another list of nations that don't have a central banking system and compare their GDP and living standards. I'll wait...

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
if anyone wants a good critique of thr FED,

read Alan greenspans article on the FED from Ayn Rand's Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
:what: Where's the link bruh?

By the way, Leyet, Gundam hates the Fed, despises Ben Bernanke, and if I'm not mistaken, wants the Fed abolished. He is in disagreement with me on that. Yet he gave me props on this thread. Why? Because he knows all this conspiracy bullshyt you ignorantly spout is nonsense, and it impedes an honest critique of the Fed.


May 6, 2012
1. The Fed is not outside the control of the government. Monetary policy is made by the Board of Governors which are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. It's outside the control of Congress, and I think that's a good thing for reasons I've already explained.

2. I don't know where you're getting this shyt about the Fed not reporting anything to the government from. The GAO audits the Fed regularly. Read post #10 in this thread. The Fed releases balance sheets just like every business or government agency.

3. The logic behind a system of central banking is necessary in a large industrialized economy for reasons already stated: keeping currency elastic, prevent banking panics, regulate banking institutions, maintain stable prices, control inflation, provide liquidity needs, and be a lender of last resort, etc. The government lacks the capacity to perform those duties. It's no surprise that every economically competitive nation has a central banking system.

4. You don't understand the Fed and you're just making unsubstantiated claims based on fear. It seems you just fear what you don't understand and you would rather be a demagogue and say hyperbolic shyt about a banking cartel" instead of just trying to learn about it first then draw conclusions later. Why not just research and learn first instead of leaping to conclusions you can't support? Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you can look at the rhetoric that is on the books about the fed being accountable to congress, and i'llcontinue to look at the actions. i have personally seen greenspan and bernake avoid direct questioning to keep the actions of the fed private. thats not okay. my accountants cannot tell me no. thats our money theyre spending out there breh breh...

and one of the reasons the fed is not trustworthy is because i remember during the initial bailouts it came out how the fed made several loans in the hundreds billions to foreign banks, when it was supposed to go towards banks in the US. now, with the intricacy of global finance one could argue that we had to bail out certain foreign banks to help support our own financial recovery, but again that should have been publicly shown and they should have been up front about it. that to me is a problem, especially considering the shady track record of private bankers.

if you look at the actions of our government in relation to the actions of the fed its obvious the fed does not answer to our govt.

and the bottom line is there is no transparency... and to trust these bankers after the character they've demonstrated, we would have to be insane.

We don't outscource it. That's what I'm trying to explain to you, but you are apparently too stupid to understand that. Monetary policy is made by the federally-appointed Board of Governors. It needs the Federal Reserve banks and their member banks and their pool of assets to function; to be able to lend and buy and sell treasuries, etc. The FOMC makes decisions, the member banks execute those decisions. Is this really that hard for you to comprehend?

Do you still think the Bank of England and the Rothschilds make monetary policy? :laff:

Federal Reserve Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Federal Reserve Banks have an intermediate legal status, with some features of private corporations and some features of public federal agencies. The United States has an interest in the Federal Reserve Banks as tax-exempt federally-created instrumentalities whose profits belong to the federal government, but this interest is not proprietary.[2] In Lewis v. United States,[3] the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit stated that: "The Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA [the Federal Tort Claims Act], but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations."

private means not government owned. non government means the monetary responsibility is being outsourced :stopitslime:

lol...and the Fed is the reason for the $16 trillion dollar debt? Is that right Mr. "fukk politics I don't pay attention to it"? :laff:

Why don't you perform this very simple task for me: Compile a list of nations that have a central banking system and compile another list of nations that don't have a central banking system and compare their GDP and living standards. I'll wait...

the fed is not responsible for the debt in its entirety, its obviously a much more complex issue.

but how many financial collapses/recessions/depressions have we had since the fed's inception? theyre not even doing that great of a job. and this latest round of pumping 40 billie into the economy every month is beyond dumb. we cannot just keep borrowing ourselves into a hole. let me ask you a question, what happens to an individual or country when they default on their debts?

the thing is, youre only looking at the actions and rhetoric that supports your viewpoint and ignoring the actions and facts that dispute it, which is not intellectually honest.


May 6, 2012
By the way, Leyet, Gundam hates the Fed, despises Ben Bernanke, and if I'm not mistaken, wants the Fed abolished. He is in disagreement with me on that. Yet he gave me props on this thread. Why? Because he knows all this conspiracy bullshyt you ignorantly spout is nonsense, and it impedes an honest critique of the Fed.

lol youre such a cornball

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
lol youre such a cornball're one of the dumbest people I've ever talked to in my life. Like you're really, really dumb. It's amazing how low your capacity to comprehend fairly simple concepts are. You're so dumb you can't even distinguish between being taking a pro or con position in regard to the Fed and believing in retarded fairytale conspiracies about it.


Aug 14, 2012
14,673're one of the dumbest people I've ever talked to in my life. Like you're really, really dumb. It's amazing how low your capacity to comprehend fairly simple concepts are. You're so dumb you can't even distinguish between being taking a pro or con position in regard to the Fed and believing in retarded fairytale conspiracies about it.

Victor I respect you and I'm only saying this for your own good. Do not and I repeat DO NOT argue with idiots. They will drag you to their level
and beat you.

You made your case, you provided the points, and no one wants to refute these just continue to believe what they believe.

Take it as you won and let the thread die. Let the crickets respond to their responses.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
you can look at the rhetoric that is on the books about the fed being accountable to congress, and i'llcontinue to look at the actions. i have personally seen greenspan and bernake avoid direct questioning to keep the actions of the fed private. thats not okay. my accountants cannot tell me no. thats our money theyre spending out there breh breh...

and one of the reasons the fed is not trustworthy is because i remember during the initial bailouts it came out how the fed made several loans in the hundreds billions to foreign banks, when it was supposed to go towards banks in the US. now, with the intricacy of global finance one could argue that we had to bail out certain foreign banks to help support our own financial recovery, but again that should have been publicly shown and they should have been up front about it. that to me is a problem, especially considering the shady track record of private bankers.

if you look at the actions of our government in relation to the actions of the fed its obvious the fed does not answer to our govt,

and the bottom line is there is no transparency... and to trust these bankers after the character they've demonstrated, we would have to be insane.

Nobody is arguing whether the Fed is "trustworthy" or not. I'm telling you that the Fed is routinely audited by the GAO. That is the fact. If you actually calmed down and holstered your e-gat for a second, you'd see that I agree that the Fed needs more transparency. I'm just telling you it's not true that there is no transparency, they're not "a private bank," and monetary policy is not made by private bankers.

Federal Reserve Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Federal Reserve Banks have an intermediate legal status, with some features of private corporations and some features of public federal agencies. The United States has an interest in the Federal Reserve Banks as tax-exempt federally-created instrumentalities whose profits belong to the federal government, but this interest is not proprietary.[2] In Lewis v. United States,[3] the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit stated that: "The Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA [the Federal Tort Claims Act], but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations."

private means not government owned. non government means the monetary responsibility is being outsourced :stopitslime:

No is does not. That's just you putting on your tinfoil hat and not knowing what you're talking about as usual. I already told you like 5 or 6 times, it's a public-private entity. Obviously the member banks and regional Fed banks are private entities. This is isn't exactly breaking news. I'm telling you monetary policy is made by the Board of Governors, who are federally-appointed.

the fed is not responsible for the debt in its entirety, its obviously a much more complex issue.

The debt is a result of bad FISCAL policy. Fiscal policy is set by the President and know the people who you want to make monetary policy because they're doing such a wonderful job with our fiscal policy.

but how many financial collapses/recessions/depressions have we had since the fed's inception? Who said the Fed is supposed to prevent recessions and depressions, lmao? Recessions are part of any economy. :snoop:

theyre not even doing that great of a job. and this latest round of pumping 40 billie into the economy every month is beyond dumb. we cannot just keep borrowing ourselves into a hole. let me ask you a question, what happens to an individual or country when they default on their debts?

Unemployment is at 7.9% 4 years after the worst financial crisis in 80 years. Yeah, that QE was such a failure. :stopitslime:

Two different economist-estimated unemployment rates during the Great Depression, and these are down-adjusted numbers because the official numbers are far greater, but economists think they were overstated: Unemployment During the Great Depression Has Been Overstated and Current Unemployment Understated (We’ve Now Got Depression-Level Unemployment) - Washington's Blog

Year Lebergott Darby
1930 8.7% 8.7%
1931 15.9% 15.3%
1932 23.6% 22.9%
1933 24.9% 20.6%
1934 21.7% 16.0%
1935 20.1% 14.2%
1936 16.9% 9.9%
1937 14.3% 9.1%
1938 19.0% 12.5%
1939 17.2% 11.3%
1940 14.6% 9.5%

Yeah, that QE was such a disaster.

the thing is, youre only looking at the actions and rhetoric that supports your viewpoint and ignoring the actions and facts that dispute it, which is not intellectually honest.

You don't seem to understand that outside of the comment I just made about QE and my advocation of a central banking system, I'm not pushing a viewpoint. I'm simply presenting facts. I can't help it if you are unable or unwilling to accept these facts.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Victor I respect you and I'm only saying this for your own good. Do not and I repeat DO NOT argue with idiots. They will drag you to their level
and beat you.

You made your case, you provided the points, and no one wants to refute these just continue to believe what they believe.

Take it as you won and let the thread die. Let the crickets respond to their responses.
Nah, I like Leyet. I've talked to dude on podcasts several times, so I owe it to him to respond sometimes at least. He always has to get the last word in every conversation so I'm sure I'll stop responding to him at some point.

Dude is just so stubborn. He won't even attempt to re-evaluate any of the conclusions he convinced himself of regarding topics he obviously hasn't even made an honest attempt to research. I'm still trying to convince him to abandon his fact-devoid paranoid conspiratorial approach to everything under the Sun and start trying to research and learn about shyt objectively first, then try to formulate conclusions and opinions.

It may be a lost cause, but I want to help the brother, so I'm gonna keep trying.


May 6, 2012
Nobody is arguing whether the Fed is "trustworthy" or not. I'm telling you that the Fed is routinely audited by the GAO. That is the fact. If you actually calmed down and holstered your e-gat for a second, you'd see that I agree that the Fed needs more transparency. I'm just telling you it's not true that there is no transparency, they're not "a private bank," and monetary policy is not made by private bankers.

No is does not. That's just you putting on your tinfoil hat and not knowing what you're talking about as usual. I already told you like 5 or 6 times, it's a public-private entity. Obviously the member banks and regional Fed banks are private entities. This is isn't exactly breaking news. I'm telling you monetary policy is made by the Board of Governors, who are federally-appointed.

the board of governors and the FOMC are both made up of BANK PRESIDENTS, and all the banks are PRIVATE BANKS. private=corporate.

being federally appointed is basically pointless so please stop falling back on that point for your proof that the fed has meaningful public qualities. those public aspects are not relevant in todays climate.

the government of the united states does not pay the fed's wages. our government is CHARGED A FEE and monies are collected. that is how a private institution operates, with a CORPORATE structure. the "federally appointed" aspect of the fed, the aspect that makes it public, does not have any real teeth.

The debt is a result of bad FISCAL policy. Fiscal policy is set by the President and know the people who you want to make monetary policy because they're doing such a wonderful job with our fiscal policy.

i dont want fiscal policy in the hands of congress either, because congress and the prez are both whores to the banks, corporations, and the military. do i lie? Who said the Fed is supposed to prevent recessions and depressions, lmao? Recessions are part of any economy. :snoop:

breh, have one of your research minions do some knowledge on the US financial collapses of the 21st century and their causes. then report back.

Unemployment is at 7.9% 4 years after the worst financial crisis in 80 years. Yeah, that QE was such a failure. :stopitslime:

Two different economist-estimated unemployment rates during the Great Depression, and these are down-adjusted numbers because the official numbers are far greater, but economists think they were overstated: Unemployment During the Great Depression Has Been Overstated and Current Unemployment Understated (We’ve Now Got Depression-Level Unemployment) - Washington's Blog

Yeah, that QE was such a disaster.

and youre failing to understand is that unemployment is not the only measure by which you gauge the success of your economy, nor is it the main measure we should use to analyze the effectiveness of the fed.

unemployment as a measure is unreliable because 1) its simply a statistic, and any statistic can be manipulated. for instance when they calculate unemployment they have all these parameters and provisions that make the number look seem lower than it really is. "not counting people who havent-worked-for-12-months-this, has-not-pursued-looking-for-a-job-in-6-months-that".... negro please.

all you gotta do is look out your window and youll see the society polarizing in wealth, with lots of people getting squeezed out of the middle. and either going up to the upper class of wealth, or going down into low-working class, and the majority of people are going into poverty and the low-working class.

secondly, as ive pointed out on the podcast several times, the majority of the jobs being created in the US are low-wage jobs, with a hand full of of high-education, high-training jobs. this is a huge part of the reason the middle class is getting gutted, because the manufacturing and working class jobs in the middle of the economy are being gutted.

we been outsourcing our manufacturing to any developing country willing to sweat shop a few locals.

and now we're accelerating our outsourcing of technology manufacturing to india. its shameful and destroying our economy and people are overlooking it.

plus the fact the united states are degenerate broke debt slaves who are quickly digging themselves into an inescapable hole.

what do you think is going to happen when countries want to stop loaning us money because we dont generate as much revenue as we used to?

in personal OR global finance the last thing you want to do is go into debt... or if you do have to go into debt you bettr at least have a good economic plan and infrastructure in place to support a dynamic economy so we can actually pay off the debt. and right now we have neither. we are DEEP in debt with no plan of escape. in fact per year, i wouldnt be surprised if the cost to sustain the military by itself is probably more than we generate in revenue as a country.

it comes down to this, do you really think our current economic trajectory is sustainable? if you do, you are dreamin my friend...

you and your minions are really in your own little bubble.


May 6, 2012
Nah, I like Leyet. I've talked to dude on podcasts several times, so I owe it to him to respond sometimes at least. He always has to get the last word in every conversation so I'm sure I'll stop responding to him at some point.

Dude is just so stubborn. He won't even attempt to re-evaluate any of the conclusions he convinced himself of regarding topics he obviously hasn't even made an honest attempt to research. I'm still trying to convince him to abandon his fact-devoid paranoid conspiratorial approach to everything under the Sun and start trying to research and learn about shyt objectively first, then try to formulate conclusions and opinions.

It may be a lost cause, but I want to help the brother, so I'm gonna keep trying.



Jun 15, 2012
the point is, why can't our government control the money supply directly, why is a private company even necessary?

Private entities tend to be more efficient and trustworthy than public institutions.

We're better off having Congress and their corporate owners being as far removed as possible from controlling our money supply.

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Apr 30, 2012
Private entities tend to be more efficient and trustworthy than public institutions.

We're better off having Congress and their corporate owners being as far removed as possible from controlling our money supply.


And you think the Fed isn't influenced by corporate money and pressure?