Debunking Federal Reserve conspiracy theories


May 6, 2012
heavy research on the topic...


The cover reproduces the outline of the eagle from the red shield, the coat of arms of the city of Frankfurt, Germany, adapted by Mayer Amschel Bauer (1744-1812) who changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild ("Red Shield").

that image is the precursor to the seal of the united states :huhldup:

where is the connection between the picture of that bird holding the arrows and the rothschild family seal?

in any case i havent read this particular book but i read Mullins' wiki and it says, "In Mullins on the Federal Reserve (1952), (the updated edition published in 1983 was called Secrets of the Federal Reserve) Mullins argued that there was a conspiracy among Paul Warburg, Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson, J.P. Morgan, Benjamin Strong, Otto Kahn, the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family, and other European and American bankers which resulted in the founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve System."

dude worked in the library of congress so i'd be very interested to see the sources he used in writing this book, how many government docs, primary sources, etc. but is this even considered a conspiracy still? i mean Nelson Aldrich, the originator of the original federal reserve act MARRIED INTO THE ROCKEFELLER FAMILY lol. the same rockefeller family who is one of the principal owners of JP Morgan, which is one of the main shareholders in the NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. that's pretty straightforward so what exactly is the conspiracy? yes, there are private banking interests illegally using the mechanisms of the US government and the federal reserve system to enrich themselves, with the cost and detriment passed on to the US people. i thought this was pretty obvious by now.

but even before that the Pujo Committee in 1913 already exposed the money trust. From their congressional report:
"Despite the fact that lead attorney Samuel Untermyer had predetermined that no money trust would be found as part of the Investigation because “There is no agreement existing among these men that is in violation of the law” [1] and despite of the refusal of aid by the Comptroller of the Currency, the failure of the Senate pass the bill to amend section 5241 of the Revised Statutes and the lack of any authoritative decision by the courts sustaining the committee's right to access the books of the national banks, the Pujo Committee Report concluded in 1913 that a community of influential financial leaders had gained control of major manufacturing, transportation, mining, telecommunications and financial markets of the United States. The report revealed that no less than eighteen different major financial corporations were under control of a cartel led by J.P Morgan, George F Baker and James Stillman. These three men, through the resources of seven banks and trust companies (Banker’s Trust Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Astor Trust Co., National Bank of Commerce, Liberty National Bank, Chase National Bank, Farmer’s Loan and Trust Co.) controlled an estimated $2.1 billion. The report revealed that a handful of men held manipulative control of the New York Stock Exchange and attempted to evade interstate trade laws.

The Pujo Report singled out individual bankers including Paul Warburg, Jacob H. Schiff, Felix M. Warburg, Frank E. Peabody, William Rockefeller and Benjamin Strong, Jr.. The report identified over $22 billion in resources and capitalization controlled through 341 directorships held in 112 corporations by members of the empire headed by J.P. Morgan.[2]

no need to look for a conspiracy when the obvious is right in front of us... the federal reserve system was created in the interests of private banks, has always performed as such, and continues to do so until this day."

you can read the whole thing here:

it's hiding in plain sight ya'll... and this is just the surface level.

there is no conspiracy.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
that image is the precursor to the seal of the united states :huhldup:

where is the connection between the picture of that bird holding the arrows and the rothschild family seal?

in any case i havent read this particular book but i read Mullins' wiki and it says, "In Mullins on the Federal Reserve (1952), (the updated edition published in 1983 was called Secrets of the Federal Reserve) Mullins argued that there was a conspiracy among Paul Warburg, Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson, J.P. Morgan, Benjamin Strong, Otto Kahn, the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family, and other European and American bankers which resulted in the founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve System."

dude worked in the library of congress so i'd be very interested to see the sources he used in writing this book, how many government docs, primary sources, etc. but is this even considered a conspiracy still? i mean Nelson Aldrich, the originator of the original federal reserve act MARRIED INTO THE ROCKEFELLER FAMILY lol. the same rockefeller family who is one of the principal owners of JP Morgan, which is one of the main shareholders in the NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. that's pretty straightforward so what exactly is the conspiracy? yes, there are private banking interests illegally using the mechanisms of the US government and the federal reserve system to enrich themselves, with the cost and detriment passed on to the US people. i thought this was pretty obvious by now.

but even before that the Pujo Committee in 1913 already exposed the money trust. From their congressional report:
"Despite the fact that lead attorney Samuel Untermyer had predetermined that no money trust would be found as part of the Investigation because “There is no agreement existing among these men that is in violation of the law” [1] and despite of the refusal of aid by the Comptroller of the Currency, the failure of the Senate pass the bill to amend section 5241 of the Revised Statutes and the lack of any authoritative decision by the courts sustaining the committee's right to access the books of the national banks, the Pujo Committee Report concluded in 1913 that a community of influential financial leaders had gained control of major manufacturing, transportation, mining, telecommunications and financial markets of the United States. The report revealed that no less than eighteen different major financial corporations were under control of a cartel led by J.P Morgan, George F Baker and James Stillman. These three men, through the resources of seven banks and trust companies (Banker’s Trust Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Astor Trust Co., National Bank of Commerce, Liberty National Bank, Chase National Bank, Farmer’s Loan and Trust Co.) controlled an estimated $2.1 billion. The report revealed that a handful of men held manipulative control of the New York Stock Exchange and attempted to evade interstate trade laws.

The Pujo Report singled out individual bankers including Paul Warburg, Jacob H. Schiff, Felix M. Warburg, Frank E. Peabody, William Rockefeller and Benjamin Strong, Jr.. The report identified over $22 billion in resources and capitalization controlled through 341 directorships held in 112 corporations by members of the empire headed by J.P. Morgan.[2]

no need to look for a conspiracy when the obvious is right in front of us... the federal reserve system was created in the interests of private banks, has always performed as such, and continues to do so until this day."

you can read the whole thing here:

it's hiding in plain sight ya'll... and this is just the surface level.

there is no conspiracy.
Lmao at you having a Huey Newton avatar on skype and co-signing a white supremacist who wrote articles praising Hitler.

He doesn't have any sources. He just makes shyt up and illogically plays 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon with banking figures like Glenn Beck with a chalkboard.

And lol@working in the Library of Congress for two years supposedly validating him when there's thousands of people who have worked in the Library of Congress who don't co-sign his :duck: He worked for Joseph McCarthy...let that burn for a second.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
to take away credit from the people and leave countries in eternal debt

i.e. loaning money to govermentes, at heavy interest rates. basically me loaning you marbles, and you having to pay back more marbles than I gave to you.. But the catch is, I have all the marbles in the world
Heavy interest rates? Look up rates on t-bills. Anybody holding U. S. bonds has to pay interest. If anybody is going to buy debt, it's better it be the Fed. They refund a good portion of their profit to the Treasury. China doesn't do that.

None of you produce worth that is greater than what you consume. You would not have the standard of living you enjoy without central banking. Central banking is essential to an industrialized democracy. You got people in HL enjoying a 21st technologically-advanced American lifestyle on smartphones and laptops talking about how we should go back to the gold standard. :dead:
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May 6, 2012
Lmao at you having a Huey Newton avatar on skype and co-signing a white supremacist who wrote articles praising Hitler.

He doesn't have any sources. He just makes shyt up and illogically plays 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon with banking figures like Glenn Beck with a chalkboard.

And lol@working in the Library of Congress for two years supposedly validating him when there's thousands of people who have worked in the Library of Congress who don't co-sign his :duck: He worked for Joseph McCarthy...let that burn for a second.

:snoop: at you not reading my post. breh for real, read carefully before you respond, dont just react off emotion.

1) i never cosigned everything Mullins said. I stated his findings were in agreement with the Pujo Committee Congressional findings from 40 years earlier.

2) how do you know what his sources were? have you read the book? have you researched his bibliography? lol no you havent, so stop playing yourself.

plus, im not validating or invalidating his sources because i havent done the research myself. what i DID say was...

dude worked in the library of congress so i'd be very interested to see the sources he used in writing this book, how many government docs, primary sources, etc.

and its true because working in the library of congress gives you easy access to a lot of primary source material from the government. so yes, i would want to analyze his sources, as i would want to analyze anyone's sources.

3) if you go into anyone's background far enough you'll find some shyt you can use to discredit. we have to weigh the information on its own merits and triangulate the truth from multiple sources, and mullins is just one possible source of many. NOT SAYING I VOUCH FOR MULLINS' CHARACTER, because I know thats how you're gonna take this. i am saying even a scumbag can have truth and intelligent information so its on us to remain unbias and judge the info for ourselves (although im not calling him a scumbag either).

and before you rush back in here with your pseudo-skeptic cape on please remember i am not co-signing all of Mullins' statements because I havent read his books or researched his bibliographies. so please dont take me for a Mullins sympathizer.

what i DID cosign was the obvious, which is:

there are private banking interests illegally using the mechanisms of the US government and the federal reserve system to enrich themselves, with the cost and detriment passed on to the US people.

it's hiding in plain sight ya'll... and this is just the surface level.

there is no conspiracy.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Heavy interest rates? Look up rates on t-bills. Anybody holding U. S. bonds has to pay interest. If anybody is going to buy debt, it's better it be the Fed. They refund a good portion of their profit to the Treasury. China doesn't do that.

None of you produce worth that is greater than what you consume. You would not have the standard of living you enjoy without central banking. Central banking is essential to an industrialized democracy. You got people in HL enjoying a 21st technologically-advanced American lifestyle on smartphones and laptops talking about how we should go back to the gold standard. :dead:
Why can't the government print and control the supply of currency instead of a private centralized bank? Lincoln did it with the greenbacks.


Jul 17, 2013
they tell you with the gold standard you wouldn't live the "good life" you live right now with smart phones and cell phones... :russ:

(while they buy castles :bryan:)
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Jul 17, 2013
debunking the federal reserve "conspiracy theories" and "myths" is like reading about tupac in cuba.

as long as you people are stupid and remain stupid like you all look you will continue to be taken advantage of by foreigners. you stupid fuqs.

rothschild wear and new condom and fuq these niccas. infact take out the condom and fuq these niccas raw.

barack how is that birth certificate looking like... oh i'm sorry breitbart is dead?

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Bill Still dissected and broke down the central banking crime/debt slavery crime twice in docs.

The Money Masters (1996) [FULL DOCUMENTARY]


The Money Masters is a 1996 three and a half hour non-fiction, historical documentary film that discusses the concepts of money, debt, taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward. It also covers the history of fractional-reserve banking, central banking, monetary policy, the bond market, and the Federal Reserve System in the United States

The Secret of Oz - Winner, Best Docu of 2010

In 1996, in a documentary called The Money Masters, we asked the question why is America going broke. It wasn’t clear then that we were, but it is today. Now the question is how can we get out of this mess. Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is skyrocketing – and this is only the beginning. America’s economy is on a long, slippery slope from here on. The bubble ride of debt has come to an end.
What can government do? The sad answer is – under the current monetary system – nothing. It’s not going to get better until the root of the problem is understood and addressed. There isn’t enough stimulus money in the entire world to get us out of this hole. Why? Debt. The national debt is just like our consumer debt – it’s the interest that’s killing us.

Though most people don’t realize it the government can’t just issue it’s own money anymore. It used to be that way. The King could just issue stuff called money. Abraham Lincoln did it to win the Civil War. No, today, in our crazy money system, the government has to borrow our money into existence and then pay interest on it. That’s why they call it the National Debt. All our money is created out of debt. Politicians who focus on reducing the National Debt as an answer probably don’t know what the National Debt really is. To reduce the National Debt would be to reduce our money – and there’s already too little of that.

The economy of the U.S. is in a deflationary spiral. Nothing can stop it -- except monetary reform.

1. No more national debt. Nations should not be allowed to borrow. If they want to spend, they have to take the political heat right away by taxing.

2. No more fractional reserve lending. Banks can only lend money they actually have.

3. Gold money is NOT the answer. Historically gold ALWAYS works against a thriving middle class and ALWAYS works to create a plutocracy.

4. The total quantity of money + credit in a national system must be fixed, varying only with the population.

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
2.1 is what is what is presented officially. like all govt statistics they just make numbers up and feed the public with bullsh1t.
did these numbers include the 9 trillion that was lost
the fed has to be audited first before we can talk real numbers...

and it goes up by 85 Billion every month. go get a mortgage who is helping you out? guess what its the fed.
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Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
The economy of the U.S. is in a deflationary spiral. Nothing can stop it -- except monetary reform.

1. No more national debt. Nations should not be allowed to borrow. If they want to spend, they have to take the political heat right away by taxing.

2. No more fractional reserve lending. Banks can only lend money they actually have.

3. Gold money is NOT the answer. Historically gold ALWAYS works against a thriving middle class and ALWAYS works to create a plutocracy.
4. The total quantity of money + credit in a national system must be fixed, varying only with the population.

this is the exact opposite of how the world works.

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
These anti-Fed conspiracy theorists need to make up their minds. Is the Fed causing a deflationary spiral, or is it causing hyperinflation that's going to render the dollar worthless?

I was surprised by that and was just going to bold the word "deflationary" because that's the first time I've heard that.

then I read the rest of the bullshyt.