Death Row Inmates Last Statements


All Star
Jun 30, 2012
all right. are those two docs gonna have u :to: or what?

In 1998, Mario Rocha, a young Latino from East LA, was convicted of murder and attempted murder on the basis of one questionable identification and not a shred of physical evidence. He was sixteen years old at the time of his arrest, yet tried as an adult and sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. While spending over two years at Juvenile Hall waiting for his trial, Mario joined the Inside Out Writing Program and discovered his talent for writing. Today, his stories, plays, and poems are published and performed in prisons throughout the country.

I didn't cry but that's just me. You wont be displeased with neither, I liked Mario's Story more though.


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
These are interesting, I had to go digging for more.

Jesse Hernandez

Executed: 2012
Age: 47
"Tell my son I love him very much. God bless everybody. Continue to walk with God. Go Cowboys! :heh: Love ya'll man. Don't forget the T-ball. Ms. Mary, thank you for everything that you've done. You too, Brad, thank you. I can feel it, taste it, not bad."

Mr. Hernandez was convicted for striking and killing an 11-month-old boy with a flashlight.

Karl Chamberlain

Executed: 2008
Age: 37
"My death began on August 2, 1991, and continued when I began to see the beautiful and innocent life that I had taken. I am so terribly sorry. I wish I could die more than once to tell you how sorry I am. I have said in interviews, if you want to hurt me and choke me, that's how terrible I felt before this crime.

Mr. Chamberlain was convicted of sexually assaulting and killing a 30-year-old woman whose apartment he entered on the pretense of borrowing sugar. :wtf:

Douglas Roberts

Executed: 2005
Age: 42
"Okay I've been hanging around this popsicle stand way too long. Before I leave, I want to tell you all. When I die, bury me deep, lay two speakers at my feet, put some headphones on my head and rock and roll me when I'm dead. I'll see you in Heaven someday. :rudy: That's all Warden."

Mr. Roberts was convicted of kidnapping, robbing and murdering a man.

G.W. Green

Executed: 1991
Age: 55
"Let’s do it, man. Lock and load. Ain’t life a [expletive deleted]."

Mr. Green was convicted of shooting a deputy sheriff to death after he was caught trying to steal the officer's gun collection.

"What I want people to know is that they call me a cold-blooded killer when I shot a man that shot me first. The only thing that convicted me was that I am a Mexican and that he was a police officer..."

"A Mexican’s life is worth nothing. When a policeman kills someone, he gets a suspended sentence or probation. When a Mexican kills a police officer, this is what you get. From there you call me a cold-blooded murderer. I didn’t tie anyone to a stretcher. I didn’t pump any poison into anybody’s veins from behind a locked door. You call this justice. I call this and your society a bunch of cold-blooded murderers. I don’t say this with any bitterness or anger. I just say this with truthfulness. I hope God forgives me for all my sins. I hope that God will be as merciful to society as he has been to me. I’m ready, Warden."

Mr. Porter was convicted in the shooting death of a police officer.


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
They got rid of the last meal in Texas :snoop:

On the day of his execution, a condemned prisoner is not allowed to be interviewed by anyone from the media and, thanks to Lawrence Russell Brewer, is no longer allowed to request a special last meal. Brewer was executed in September of 2011 for torturing and killing a 49-year-old handicapped black male in 1998, but not before he requested the following for his final meal: two chicken fried steaks, a triple meat bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelette, a large bowl of fried okra, three fajitas, a pint of Blue Bell ice cream, and a pound of barbecue with a half loaf of white bread.

He ended up not touching any of it, which incensed Texas officials so much that they then revoked the ‘special last meal’ right of all soon-to-be executed prisoners. Now they have to eat from the same menu as everyone else on the row.

- See more at: Death in Texas: Analysing the Last Words of 478 Death Row Prisoners | Jon Millward - Blog
May 23, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina



May 14, 2012
You guys should watch "Into the Abyss". It's a great documentary on this kid on death row and those close to the case.

Talk about a clusterfukk. That woman who lost her mother, her 'brother' and her dad...i wouldn't have a phone either. She did say that her 'brother' was her sisters kid so what happened to her sister aka his real mother....whos knows

Another thing is who actually did the killing, like who pulled the trigger and killed the three victims? They both don't seem to want to fess up. But I guess the dude who got injected killed the mom.

Definitely like father like son, how many of these fukk friends and family members were in jail or also felons :wtf:

Last but not least how'd the bytch get pregnant. The only scheme I could think of...and ill preface it with a huge no homo, is that old boy jacked off in his cell then put the semen in his mouth like right before her visit. He gets walked out to see his boo and he can only hold her hand and kiss so he kisses his seed into her mouth and after the kiss she has a coffee cup that she pretend sips out of but spits the seed in the cup...After the visit turkey bastes the seed into her vagina and boom prison baby.

Although I think the kid is gonna end up just like dad uncle and grandpa..
.in jail. This bytch wasn't a lawyer so how did she meet him when she lived in Nebraska and he was in texas....idk good documentary though


Dec 17, 2012
These are interesting, I had to go digging for more.
"What I want people to know is that they call me a cold-blooded killer when I shot a man that shot me first. The only thing that convicted me was that I am a Mexican and that he was a police officer..."

"A Mexican’s life is worth nothing. When a policeman kills someone, he gets a suspended sentence or probation. When a Mexican kills a police officer, this is what you get. From there you call me a cold-blooded murderer. I didn’t tie anyone to a stretcher. I didn’t pump any poison into anybody’s veins from behind a locked door. You call this justice. I call this and your society a bunch of cold-blooded murderers. I don’t say this with any bitterness or anger. I just say this with truthfulness. I hope God forgives me for all my sins. I hope that God will be as merciful to society as he has been to me. I’m ready, Warden."

Mr. Porter was convicted in the shooting death of a police officer.

I see no lies told here. :patrice:


All Star
Jun 30, 2012
Talk about a clusterfukk. That woman who lost her mother, her 'brother' and her dad...i wouldn't have a phone either. She did say that her 'brother' was her sisters kid so what happened to her sister aka his real mother....whos knows

Another thing is who actually did the killing, like who pulled the trigger and killed the three victims? They both don't seem to want to fess up. But I guess the dude who got injected killed the mom.

Definitely like father like son, how many of these fukk friends and family members were in jail or also felons :wtf:

Last but not least how'd the bytch get pregnant. The only scheme I could think of...and ill preface it with a huge no homo, is that old boy jacked off in his cell then put the semen in his mouth like right before her visit. He gets walked out to see his boo and he can only hold her hand and kiss so he kisses his seed into her mouth and after the kiss she has a coffee cup that she pretend sips out of but spits the seed in the cup...After the visit turkey bastes the seed into her vagina and boom prison baby.

Although I think the kid is gonna end up just like dad uncle and grandpa..
.in jail. This bytch wasn't a lawyer so how did she meet him when she lived in Nebraska and he was in texas....idk good documentary though

The best part of the doc was the CO who left his job. Said how he was beside the death bed and all the inmates he's ever witnessed die, he saw them reappear. Crazy.

Did you guys end up watching this and Mario's Story?