This movie is very good because it was able to overcome alot stuff. Dude, when I was TVA, I just knew this move was gonna suck. Was not a fan of the Loki series nor that timeline stuff. And although it was a factor, it wasn't overwhelming. Villian was middle of the road. Not the worst like that last Thor movie. But not the best. She was straight to me. The violence gave me the most confidence. From the opening scene to Wolverine vs Deadpool car scene. Those were the best. Now, the cameos? No. How in the world do you have these great fighters but not an epic fight scene. X 23 should have been let loose like she did in Logan. It was great seeing Blade and Gambit but that battle was such a miss.
Deadpool had 50 million one liner. People in my theatre was not getting it. I was laughing because I processed some of the jokes, puns, wordplay etc. But I didn't catch it all. Which made it great. Wolverine was dope with the fighting. But character wise, I didn't feel him (pause) like Logan.

I can take a couple of jokes but this ngga went above and beyond.
Now, the end credit was the best I've seen in a minute from Marvel. Very clever.
Overall a 9 out 10. Story could have been better but definitely the best since Spidey.