I DO Not Sow
The Connor episode was the best episode ever for the show. Krypto was with the shyts 

I remember when John Byrne took over Superman after his book was relaunched following Crisis on Infinite Earths that Byrne said it always annoyed him that Superman's costume/cape never got ripped or damaged so he came up with this idea that Superman has a thin invisible aura around his body that made anything he was wearing as indestructible as Superman but allowed for his cape to constantly get ripped.
Later on writers just said his suit was made from his baby blanket which explained why it was indestructible.
Agents of Shield shyts on it still tbhI'm surprised this show doesn't get more attention. Maybe it' the platform it's on? It's by farrrrrrrrrrrrrr the best superhero show out right now.
Deathstroke and Connor have been the best part of this season so far. They're probably going to wait until the last episode before dikk becomes Nightwing.This latest episode was trash except for Ser Jorah doing the Batusi.
I'm kinda over dikk being a manipulative scumbag, the Old Titans being a bunch of useless navel gazers and the teen Titans being pretty much non-entities.
Yeah, clearly dikk won't be appearing in a suit this season until the unveiling himself as Nightwing like you said will most likely come at the end.Deathstroke and Connie have been the best part of this season so far. They're probably going to wait until the last episode before dikk becomes Nightwing.
how yall watching
these kodi links not working for me anymmore