>implying Thanos isn't a Universal threat that literally killed half of all sentient life in the universe because he wanted a girl to like him
Thanos doesn't give a fukk about S-Tiers. He throws them around like dolls
Thor's lighting does absolutely nothing
Thanos takes a close range scream from Black Bolt who's screams can easily break planets and even tear reality. Then he proceeds to give my boy Black Bolt that work
Also your idea of Silver Surfer is absolutely wrong. Silver Surfer can rearrange molecules to turn organs into chocolate if he wants toHe can time travel, he travels many times faster than the speed of light, he can easily destroy planets, he can drain and project radiation attacks, he can regenerate, he can use telepathy, he can go intangible, he can shrink to molecular levels, and he can augment his own strength depending on his rival. Silver Surfer pissed off can take on the Justice League and win.
thanos killed off half of all sentient life with the infinity gauntlet kid, not with his own power.
literally everything youve named of green lantern can do on a greater scale, throw in superman ww manhunter and its game over, why dont you show me silver surfer beating a team on the jlas level, then we can talk, and his combat speed is very very poor its like saying usain bolt is faster than bruce lee, yeah he can run faster but what about those hands? and you seem to be debating a characters powerset and not the character itself, if you read any of silver surfers comics youd know that he blasts and fists fights 99% of his fights even when hes pissed off, surfer would struggle with green lantern let alone the entire JLA, hes not beating a team of characters when half of them are on his level in one or more aspect. show me surfer defeating a team on the jlas level.
really s tier arent shyt to him? i guess thats why namor bloodied his shyt.