Is this game worth for $60?
On a scale of 1-10?
@Kamikaze Revy what is your opinion?
Solid 7 to me...
I really don’t get the hate..
It’s your standard open world game..
The bugs are annoying and funny as hell sometimes..
But I’m enjoying it..
The bike is fun to use and the story is actually getting better as I progress..
I think a lot of reviews are on some hive mind shyt..
Once a game gets that death nail review..
It’s hard to make people want to take a chance..
The same complaints(not so much the bugs) were levied against Watch Dogs 2...
And that game was fun as hell..
But let’s keep it a buck..
All the comments on repetitive missions is bullshyt

I don’t care what single player/shooter/franchise you play..
You are going to rinse and repeat