Ask them women did they ever have a one night stand. Or were they steadily fukking men that were not relationship material.
And to the bolded... Thats an assumption. Respectfully
Those women may have had periods of casual hook ups, but the common theme seems to be that they ended that after college or at 25 at the latest and were laser focused on finding a good husband after that. They appeared to do like you advised in the other thread and only hook up with dudes while they're in a relationship so they aren't emotionally tied to casual partners. Full disclosure, these women were more likely to be religious and/or non-Black American so they grew up seeing functional marriages and two-parent households.
And when I say stable marriages, I mean they've been married for an extended period and both still seem into each other. On the flip side, I've seen marriages were you can sense tension even when they try to put up a front. Usually those marriages eventually fall apart.