Das Racist: White Woman fired for going in on Blacks on her FB.


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
Chris Mauro was literally banned from the entire Locker room forum (most likely due to the post in this thread, I guess its to be expected when ur on a forum full of sensitive black folks and ur speaking real sh1t) so I was unable to reply to this thread

but man do u, keep making excuses, there's no point in debating, sh1t is just gonna stay the same if people make no effort to change. I like hood movies so if people do get their act together there won't be anymore interesting hood cinema for me. Without shytty people and sh1tty neighborhoods we wouldn't have piff like The Wire. So I don't really give a sh1t b


no more responses from me on this topic, mods already attempted to silence the God, so its alright, I'll just fallback


Gonna batcall @Brooklynzson to let the God know I'm now using this name from now on so he don't think I'm going behind his back violating rules n what not.

time for an IP ban
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All Star
Jun 7, 2012

Responsibility for what?

I'm supposed to take responsibility for racist whites making it so that black people are in the position that we are in? :stopitslime:

You take a race from its homeland and cut them off and hinder, hold back and even oppress the race and expect them to do fine?

You gotta be delusional to think that.

I don't get how anybody is keeping black people in those neighborhoods :huh: Are there barricades around the block or something? How is the white man stopping anybody from going to school, getting an education, and a high earning job? If shyt is so bad then how do brown and black (I won't say white since you'll take the easy route and claim racism as always) immigrants succeed in life? :huh:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
I don't get how anybody is keeping black people in those neighborhoods :huh: Are there barricades around the block or something? How is the white man stopping anybody from going to school, getting an education, and a high earning job? If shyt is so bad then how do brown and black (I won't say white since you'll take the easy route and claim racism as always) immigrants succeed in life? :huh:
As i mentioned before police are targeting blacks and putting records on them which hurts employment and with their already limited chance of employment (its proven that employers are biased toward whites so that's another point) even more limited they have high pressure to go into crime and some eventually fall into that. While doing their crime they involve people into there shyt thus having even more records thrown and the quality of the neighborhood reduced and the chance of a normal male being killed or dragged into some crime shyt increased and therefore the area stays fukked up. Black immigrants go through the same racist shyt as well. Also not to mention that other non-white races no matter how successful you call them still aren't on the same level as the whites on top.

Of course you wouldn't say white immigrants because they are still being treated better than other races of immigrants.

Speaking of immigrants I'm sure they would of passed whites in proggress if racist whites weren't so busy making sure that they stay on top and making sure other races don't overrun them.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012

As i mentioned before police are targeting blacks and putting records on them which hurts employment and with their already limited chance of employment (its proven that employers are biased toward whites so that's another point) even more limited they have high pressure to go into crime and some eventually fall into that. While doing their crime they involve people into there shyt thus having even more records thrown and the quality of the neighborhood reduced and the chance of a normal male being killed or dragged into some crime shyt increased and therefore the area stays fukked up. Black immigrants go through the same racist shyt as well. Also not to mention that other non-white races no matter how successful you call them still aren't on the same level as the whites on top.

Of course you wouldn't say white immigrants because they are still being treated better than other races of immigrants.

Speaking of immigrants I'm sure they would of passed whites in proggress if racist whites weren't so busy making sure that they stay on top and making sure other races don't overrun them.

:ehh: Sounds like a bunch of excuses. You can't just put a record on somebody - they had to have done something illegal and gotten convicted.:ohhh: If getting got for serving drugs is unfair to you then idk what to tell you. :patrice:That type of mentality is just stupid. And you still didn't answer my question - despite your perceived racism black and brown immigrants succeed every single day in this country. How do you explain that? They also have to go through extra shyt like learning the language and being overlooked for jobs due to not being able to communicate yet they still persevere. How do they do it but American blacks can't?:huh: (not all - but a considerable enough amount)They come in poorer than most, start out living in poverty, yet within a decade they make considerable progress while you're still sitting around pissed off at the world. Maybe, just maybe - it's your own fault.:obama:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
:ehh: Sounds like a bunch of excuses. You can't just put a record on somebody - they had to have done something illegal and gotten convicted.:ohhh: If getting got for serving drugs is unfair to you then idk what to tell you. :patrice:That type of mentality is just stupid. And you still didn't answer my question - despite your perceived racism black and brown immigrants succeed every single day in this country. How do you explain that? They also have to go through extra shyt like learning the language and being overlooked for jobs due to not being able to communicate yet they still persevere. How do they do it but American blacks can't?:huh: (not all - but a considerable enough amount)They come in poorer than most, start out living in poverty, yet within a decade they make considerable progress while you're still sitting around pissed off at the world. Maybe, just maybe - it's your own fault.:obama:
You call them excuses I call them truth.

If your gonna deny that black people get accused for shyt they didn't do all of the time, or the police don't plant shyt on people to frame them or the employers look over black applicants and mostly focus on white ones which leave blacks to either get lower class jobs or turn to crime that's your own denial.

It's not about me because I myself am doing fine and well. I'm just open minded enough to understand why the failure rate is so high. And don't act like no black people are making progress because many are. Your choice to downplay them is your issue.

Immigrants are still not on the level of whites so cut that crap. Racist whites made sure of that ages ago and racist whites of today maintain it.

All your showing by mentioning immigrants is that they are better than US born whites to where they don't need to suppress or take advantage of the suppression of another race to succeed.


Oct 9, 2012
Why the fukk are black people always playing the damn victim every fukking time

nikkaz always talm bout some "Its the white devil's fault"

When nikkaz learn to take responsibility and criticism..is when we'll better ourselves as a ppl
Until then..continue to point ur fingers at obstacles and barriers you create for urself :snoop:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Chris Mauro and KrishnaB1tchslap are both Tom.


@Chris Mauro :umad:

Go cry to a mod.....again.​
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Why the fukk are black people always playing the damn victim every fukking time

nikkaz always talm bout some "Its the white devil's fault"

When nikkaz learn to take responsibility and criticism..is when we'll better ourselves as a ppl
Until then..continue to point ur fingers at obstacles and barriers you create for urself :snoop:
Are you referring to me by chance? :ufdup:


Oct 9, 2012

Are you referring to me by chance? :ufdup:


And many others who seem to justify the faults and negative traits they carry that hinder positivity in their communities by blaming an entire race of ppl for their downfall..


I live in the hood...and im black so dnt reply with an accusation about this sht being foreign to me..

Im in these neighborhoods

I talk to these kids
I talk to these adults

So Im not saying that the odds arent against us

But im not gon sit here and try and justify their failings by blaiming this race or that group or this group

At the end of the day these are our communities
And due to our priorities being corrupted and combine that with the fact that our conditions arent the greatest..we end up destroying our communities

These hoods now turn into a battlefield
lil kids robbing they moms to look better than the next mufcka
which then leads to robbin otha nikkaz to supply our unhealthy desire for vanity

Hood is just filled with nikkaz full of pipe dreams
Crack or the rap game..whatever u prefer

nikkaz needa stop blaiming and start changing

There are problems with our culture..
We needa stop acting like there isnt

We are at fault
We needa take responsibility

So stop crying..man up
And reform our culture

And that is a cry for all black men:ufdup:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013

And many others who seem to justify the faults and negative traits they carry that hinder positivity in their communities by blaming an entire race of ppl for their downfall..


I live in the hood...and im black so dnt reply with an accusation about this sht being foreign to me..

Im in these neighborhoods

I talk to these kids
I talk to these adults

So Im not saying that the odds arent against us

But im not gon sit here and try and justify their failings by blaiming this race or that group or this group

At the end of the day these are our communities
And due to our priorities being corrupted and combine that with the fact that our conditions arent the greatest..we end up destroying our communities

These hoods now turn into a battlefield
lil kids robbing they moms to look better than the next mufcka
which then leads to robbin otha nikkaz to supply our unhealthy desire for vanity

Hood is just filled with nikkaz full of pipe dreams
Crack or the rap game..whatever u prefer

nikkaz needa stop blaiming and start changing

There are problems with our culture..
We needa stop acting like there isnt

We are at fault
We needa take responsibility

So stop crying..man up
And reform our culture

And that is a cry for all black men:ufdup:
That's the thing, I never said that we should give up and play victim. I never said that because its all a shyt hole we should just embrace it and never amount to shyt. I also never said that if we ourselves don't do shyt we should blame others.

It's just that I'm not naive enough to think that us simply trying our hardest is gonna fix everything when white supremacy still exits.

I'm not stupid enough to ignore the racial bias that we get hit with and just take it on my way to success. I will address it and hope to get rid of it so others can follow my footsteps.

Your way is a slow one. It is slow because it involves us trying to succeed while ignoring and getting hit by the racial suppression that goes on around us. You expect us to keep on getting fukked over because of the oppression that our race receives and never address it like it doesn't exist.

Well guess what buddy it does exists and it still effects us today. Whether or you you want to address it or just pretend like it doesn't exist is your issue that you need to fix before we can make some actual progress.


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
The progress that black and white people have made since the 60's is starting to regress. More and more white people are becoming comfortable with saying racist things like this publicy. These same cacs yall worship think you are a animal with "shyt for brains"..

Definatley seeing more of this behavior