Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Darkseid = Brooklyn Brawler or Gilberg of the DCCU

Purposely erased his Find Anti-Life Equation app off his phone and through it into the water.Finally watched this and had to bump this thread. Darkseid out here looking real funny in the light.
Got his ass whipped so bad he erased the location off his GPS.
Somehow this thread never made it all the way here to Apokolips Press. We will now release our response.
Thanos let Titan get destroyed. I dont care how. Whether the retard did it himself or whatever. shyt is jokes. That was your home. Now you a homeless fugly faced gitbag. Congrats.
Apokolips still undefeated. We done seen what happens to anyone not named Supes who pulls up here. Hell even Supes can get the beats....sometimes.....for a while.
Thanos a whole universal simping bytch. Talking bout restoring balance by murdering. RETARD!
Oh and we saw Avengers 1 on interdimensional cable too so dont front. Tony Stark a regular ass human, thwarted your boys plan by shoving 1 primitive Earth nuclear projectile up your ass. Bloody old ass Einstein tech from the WW2 era defeated your boy. We eat that shyt for breakfast on Apokolips bytch. My guy over here can Omega ray that shyt to death with his eyes closed. fukk outta here.
so why OP get banned? he take his stannery too far?
I'm a Marvel guy, but Darkseid has eaten whole universes dolo.
Yea I posted it earlier in this threadThis is where the writing itself is just out of control power wise.
Darkseid is like a 6 dimensional that exists outside of our universe and has avatars in different universes. Even if you chopped "Darkseid" in half it'd be like smashing a Doom Bot. Another would take it's place. I saw a comic where they faced the real entity. It was like an abstract image rather than a humanoid being.
Thanos is Inevitable.....
Darksied IS.