I'll do my worst films of the year. Note: these movies I guess weren't necessarily bad but they were films that I saw that bored me to absolute tears
1) Neighbors
I had high hopes for this because the trailers made it look very funny and the whole generation gap premise should've had a lot more laughs. But really the only thing I laughed at was the Robert DeNiro party scene.
2) Boyhood
Technically good but the story didn't resonate with me all too much. Yes it's a grand documentation on time and the human condition, the hardships, the yawning chasms of pain an regret, the transience of human relationships, the shytty pop music, but, nah, wouldn't even dream of watching it again.
3) Locke
Tom Hardy in a car trying to extinguish his ghosts from the past and reconcile his relationships that have haunted him or that he was negligent towards. Good acting from all involved, and I try super hard to not poke holes in things but when the one dude asked Hardy, "Why don't you just call in sick?" That's an option? Yeah why not do that Tom? Why throw everything away? Just call in sick and take care of your illegitimate child like normal people do.
4) Birdman
Once you get over the initial awe of what's going on at a technical level the whole thing is a bit

good acting all around and thematically profound on several levels but dramatically I thought it was actually really flat.
5) Dear White People
Boring. Unfunny. Not scathing enough. Preaching to the choir. It's a movie that needed to be made I suppose but that is really it. It didn't exceed any expectations, just griefs and observations that any cognizant black person would be aware of living in America in the 21st century. And it also really just serves as an echo chamber, a film for black people to nod along on agreement with and for liberal whites to give themselves masturbatory high fives.
6) Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
Schlock Marvel bullshyt. This was the film that actually made me want to quit seeing superhero movies. So boring and dull, didn't even elicit anything from me except a nod and a "huh" once the credits began to roll. nikkas were talking about tearing up when Cap was in the museum and lookin at old films
7) Guardians of the Galaxy
BUT I suffer from FOMO so I coughed up 10 to see The Guardians of the Galaxy. fukk this movie. It's one of those films where you are constantly reminded that you are an adult. As an adult do I really care about Chris Pratt dancing? Do I care about a mining colony set on a floating head in space or a talking racc00n? Haha no...no I don't. And I'm not even that grown up, my parents still pay my cell bill ffs but this was too much for me.
8) Godzilla
Oh I had high hopes for this one lads but this was just downright embarrassing. Especially embarrassing because I dragged the whole fam to see it.
Me: this Godzilla about to go hard

Once Bryan Cranston died I knew I fukked up. Once it got to the end battle worst fears confirmed :ffs:
That's all I have for now, might edit with a few more.