I see comments like this a lot and I think a major issue is "what is considered respectful"? Of course to say that women are purposely "being disrespectful" indicates they are in the wrong. The problem here is everyone does not agree what is "disrespectful". Of course you know
MANY people out here have no problem with the dress she wore. They don't consider it "inappropriate". So to say this generation has no problems with women being disrespectful may be a little inaccurate. The differences may lie more in what is considered to be actual disrespect.
Be clear - there are a lot of people who would look at dude and say before we even get to her dress, please explain why she has your child and you are not married to her??? Believe it or not guys, there was a time not too long ago, where it was considered to be
WILDLY INNAPROPRIATE for men and women to be having babies and they are not married. Yeah I'm a little
but trust me when I tell you it used to be like that. But apparently that ideal doesn't really exist anymore.