Daniel Kaluuya's accent in this Fred Hampton movie bothers me...


Dec 29, 2016
Delroy Lindo is British?! how did I not know this :mindblown:
Yeah i learned that like a month ago. Blew my mind too
I don't have time to write essays. Take any film with an ensemble cast and the best performances will more often than not be British

From Chaplin to Cary Grant to Olivier to Daniel Day Lewis all the way through. Actors like Gielgud, Richard Harris, Anthony Hopkins, Peter Ustinov, Sean Connery, Cumberbatch, Caine, Fiennes, John Hurt, Alec Guinness, Michael Gambon, Christopher Lee, Patrick Stewart, Tom Hardy, Ian Mckellen, Peter Cushing, Christian Bale, Sean Bean, Charles Dance, Bob Hoskins, Jeremy Irons, Alan Rickman, Ben KIngsley, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, Oliver Reed, Peter Sellers, Tom Wilkinson, Ian McGregor, Andy Serkis, Richard Burton, Peter O Toole,

Then you have the younger guys and the endless list of character actors and stars like Legolas, Jude Law, James McAvoy, Nicolas Hoult (Beast), Aaron Perry Taylor-Johnson (Quicksilver), Robert Pattinson, Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Baker, Terrance Stamp, Derek Jacobi, Jason Isaacs, Brian Cox, Daniel Craig, Eddie Redmayne, Jamie Bell, Colin Farrell, Brosnan, Martin Freeman, Brendon Gleeson, Mark Strong, Simon Pegg, Hugo Weaving, Gerard Bullter, Sam Neill, Kiefer Sutherland, Clive Owen, Michael Fassbender, Ray Winstone, Hugh Lawrie, Mr. Bean, Henry Cavill, Ian Holm,

No Hannibal Lector, Highlander, James Bond, Schinldlers List, Picard, Magneto, Dracula, O-bi Wan, Alien(s), Loki, Die Hard, Gandhi, Gandalf ..

Imagine US actors trying to do this

America has nothing to compete with these guys.

Yet here you sit, poppin shyt on an American forum:unimpressed:

This is how I feel when Americans try to play non American characters. Most of the time the accents are horribly done and too unauthentic.
Like when??

Don Cheadle in Hotel Rwanda?