ADOS is a group started by Yvette and Tone, Yvette never liked Pan Africanism so of course, it's members will say the same thing. It's not that difficult. It's why most Tariq stans don't care about dating outside of their race but any BW who does it is instantly a negro bedwench because that's how Tariq feels. You really think your hate group logic is shared among Black people outside of your small niche group of xenophobic lames. It's not. Tariq's logic is more widespread and he changes his mind with the wind which is also a common trait of most Black folks around the world.
Keep on, you are selling a dream to your niche and thinking it's actually important because you got about 20 posters who will ride on this site with no logic in sight. Once Tariq makes it clear you have to be one or the other, ADOS will fall so fast. You will be shocked. It might last a little long on here but that's simply due to the numbers and the fact that ados of thecoli made it clear xenophobia is their #1 priority. Unlike Pan Africanism, it's not connected to one or two individuals. The fall will be like Humpty Dumpty.
As far as my perspective on this whole thing, I will just pull up a chair and gleefully watch already knowing the results as if I got the spoiler.