22K one time fee and $1,800/mo in HOA dues. Are these politicians in Florida insane?

Sounds like they want to kick out home owners. And let the Corporate buyers swoop in a buy up everything for cheap.
Young Florida condo owner fears she’ll lose her home after ‘exorbitant’ HOA fee hike
Some owners could be asked to cough up $22,000 in just two months.
The letter came from Brawdy’s condo association board of directors. It stated that, by
Florida law, the condo needed to fill up its reserves by “millions of dollars” and the board would soon vote on a plan to collect that money from unit owners.
Brawdy explained: “First, there will be a special assessment fee, which will help to fully fund our [condo association’s] reserves — and this fee would range from
$11,148 to $22,104. My 810-square-foot unit home would be assessed a $15,569 fee. Fifty percent of this would be due June 30 and the other 50% would be due July 31.”
She said that on top of the special assessment fee, they would also raise the monthly
HOA dues, effective June 1. “I would go from paying $651 a month to $1,824 a month,” she said