Damn. Japan got sonned by America and now they all docile and quiet.

lurker emeritus

low quantity poster
Apr 25, 2018
stl (north side)
and these are the people n!ggas be idolizing
Naruto jordan

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Japan doesn't hate the US. In fact, they love the US, deeply :dame:

Part of the reason is that the US thoroughly reworked their society to the point that all the way from the 50's until now, they have been effectively a single party state that has always been pro-cooperation with the US, by design.

Without getting too much into it but, everyone knows of the Nuremberg trials and how it was responsible for holding Nazi war criminals responsible. Most don't know about the Tokyo Trials, and there is a reason its not really talked about as much in the US. Almost all the war criminals that were not tried by the Chinese, were released from prison if they weren't executed. This was at the behest of the US. The US doesn't talk about this as much because it actually sabotaged justice from being done for political purposes.

The US actually allied itself with the most conservative forces, many who supported the imperial government before and during the war because they wanted to use Japan as a way to fight against communist forces in the region. So, they capitulated to the Japanese government and its population who despised all the trials against Japanese war criminals, in order to play nice with them and help them in their fight against communism. The US, using the above Liberal Democratic Party, effectively wiped out all opposition parties in Japan until a right-wing government that was very US friendly and anti-communist was all that was left.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Everyone was a monster to someone at some point

They still got told to chill out though, but only because of Oppenheimer.

Japan won a lot of wars before then and defended their island manytimes before then (sometimes by “luck”).

But I think thats more because of their people than it is America. They do not seem to be a war/obsessed people… they move by respect instead of conquest I think
:mjpls::mjpls::mjpls:...sounds about white...


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
They were so defiant before the end of WWII.

Y'all may not know, but they were absolute monsters in their region before that.

That's actually what made the US drop the bombs. They were so defiant down to the women and kids that the US knew invading Japan would be hell on earth.

They have to hate the US deep down.
I mean two god body bombs dropped on you will make you act right too


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
there hasn't been a WW2 since WW2. and I don't think its fair to say that every country needs to be involved in every benchmark of warfare modernization ever like the US has

but Japan does not regularly involve itself in combat to ensure its even familiar with training, planning, mobilizing, etc that scales to their force/strengths because their only metric for success is success is mimicking what the US does to guarantee continued alignment with zero practical context and their growth is filtered by what the rest of the pacific allows

japan's military can boast showpiece displays and financial weight - however, they have not been active enough to have the reputation as the best anything. in iraq and afghanistan, aussies and even poles were a regular sight. you were more likely to see a japanese journalist than a soldier or vehicle though. when japan's own ships got attacked by pirates, they couldn't rely on their own military to provide solutions.

not gonna call them the IG model of militaries but if someone were to use that analogy, it wouldn't be far off
And Russia was?

Their military was getting beat so bad that they had to hire mecenaries and conscripts to handle Ukraine.

My point is, MOST militaries outside of ours has not been active in anything if you want to play that card.

And I know you were military at some point but were you ever joint? I was and mostly in the pacific theater and saw those exercises up close. Some of the kids they have fighting now, for OUR Navy, are just now seeing their first bit of action as well… looks like their training and exercises (and hopefully better leadership) is holding up.

And they train with us.. tf :mjlol:.. atleast on the Navy/Marine side.

Im not calling them elite because they dont focus on war like WE do… but I think they would've put Russia in a box by now.. Ofcourse with our assistance but not like Ukraines assistance. They are far to COMPETENT of a military

Edit: They were active in Iraq as well, but their not a warring country like that anymore. But to make them sound incompetent is :mjlol:

I also think they've switched their focus more towards Cyber anyway… which some of our own branches can’t even grasp
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42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
And Russia was?

Their military was getting beat so bad that they had to hire mecenaries and conscripts to handle Ukraine.

My point is, MOST militaries outside of ours has been active in anything if you want to play that card.

And I know you were military at some point but were you ever joint? I was and mostly in the pacific theater and saw those exercises up close. Some of the kids they have fighting now, for OUR Navy, are just now seeing their first bit of action as well… looks like their training and exercises (and hopefully better leadership) is holding up.

And they train with us.. tf :mjlol:
other countries sharpen their steel so to speak by offering various kinds of support in all kinds of conflicts to ensure readiness isn't some abstract. japan hasn't had a proven record of anything anywhere in decades.

not substantial counter insurgency, not real anti piracy, no stabilization, nothing significant at all really. other than training with us and setting up a mole hill of a base here and there.

that's the problem with them and why they're a display model military until proven otherwise. its easy to look good when you buy all new everything but you don't have to do anything with it. nothing has been stress tested by unfamiliar adversary or environment.

and yeah i spent most of my time in the pacific - which is why i can't understand why japan gets a sterling reputation for simply being aligned well. their entire posture in action is literally to support the US. turkey was a launch pad too but at least they leveraged that into solidifying their own interests eventually. they've stagnated despite this new political urgency for a more agile force.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Fam, they have the 3rd strongest navy in the world:heh:
strong where

at least the french protect their own trade

the brits multi-domain support isn't some theory, they do that shyt

japanese navy spends more time doing disaster relief and fishing up ospreys than anything else

like i really don't even dislike the JSDF guys :dead: but even they're willing to acknowledge that gigantic self-licking ice cream cone for what it is


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
other countries sharpen their steel so to speak by offering various kinds of support in all kinds of conflicts to ensure readiness isn't some abstract. japan hasn't had a proven record of anything anywhere in decades.

not substantial counter insurgency, not real anti piracy, no stabilization, nothing significant at all really. other than training with us and setting up a mole hill of a base here and there.

that's the problem with them and why they're a display model military until proven otherwise. its easy to look good when you buy all new everything but you don't have to do anything with it. nothing has been stress tested by unfamiliar adversary or environment.

and yeah i spent most of my time in the pacific - which is why i can't understand why japan gets a sterling reputation for simply being aligned well. their entire posture in action is literally to support the US. turkey was a launch pad too but at least they leveraged that into solidifying their own interests eventually. they've stagnated despite this new political urgency for a more agile force.
Their only goal is defending their island, which they only train to do that specifically.

As far as what they do on land, idk and honestly dont give a fukk because most of their fighting will mostly be by sea unless there’s an actual invasion.. and I think the US would intervene before that because our Navy/Marines are heavy out there

But they go wherever to do training, transport, humanitarian aid, etc. As far as wars, they mind their business but to say they don’t have a Military or defense is bullshyt.

Are they the war-mongering country they used to be, no. Is their military for show? I guess if you think that, but to think they can’t protect themselves because they dont actively engage in fighting, anti-piracy, Middle East (why would the give af about middle east?) especially being next door to China and NK (which they despise) is :mjlol:

Everything youre saying could also be applied to multiple militaries. Im an expert in the Pacific Navys due to 90% of my military career (and mostly Post career) has been in that specific area. In joint environments which included their Navy. Their people were always pacifist imo, their military not so much and I know their Navy CAN get busy. They literally train with us

But you know what, This is all my opinion from what I experienced. They got nuked… Civilians wiped off the planet. So yeah, They might not look for war anymore but to defend themselves, I think they're just as capable as other militaries listed if nukes are not involved. At least on the Navy side. Outside of China, I think they wash every country in their immediate area with minimum assistance
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May 17, 2013
strong where

at least the french protect their own trade

the brits multi-domain support isn't some theory, they do that shyt

japanese navy spends more time doing disaster relief and fishing up ospreys than anything else

like i really don't even dislike the JSDF guys :dead: but even they're willing to acknowledge that gigantic self-licking ice cream cone for what it is
do we really want them to be offensive and fighting neighbors again? 👀

Vietnam and Malaysia are both U.S allies, as is Taiwan. I bet if they both formed a coalition to take a small island near Japan, the U.S would have to slip into diplomacy mode" while those 4 go at it. I got money on Japan laying on tree of them down quick.

Korea could take them, and China would never happen because the U.S would have to step in. Japan would get crushed badly.


May 17, 2013
oh and make no mistake. Yes, they are turnt down, because they don't have to fight, they have a bodyguard doing all the work. but if that bodyguard were to ever leave.....

The timeline for Japan to develop nuclear weapons, if it chose to do so, is a matter of speculation, but several factors suggest that it could be relatively quick compared to other countries without nuclear weapons. Here are some considerations:

  1. Existing Infrastructure and Technology: Japan has a highly advanced nuclear technology infrastructure due to its extensive nuclear energy program. This includes nuclear reactors, reprocessing facilities, and a large stockpile of plutonium.
  2. Scientific Expertise: Japan has a well-developed scientific and engineering community with the expertise needed to design and build nuclear weapons. The country’s technological and industrial base is among the most advanced in the world.
  3. Historical Estimates: Various analyses and reports have suggested that, if Japan decided to develop nuclear weapons, it could potentially do so in a relatively short period. Estimates range from a few months to a couple of years, depending on the specific capabilities and the level of political will and urgency.