Dame Lillard Finally Requests Trade


May 29, 2012
Woj aint said a peep in weeks which tells me the Blazers still haven’t gotten any more offers. Not trading him before training camp is just stupid at this point. He’s only getting older and if he gets injured before the trade deadline that Heat offer is gonna look like a king’s ransom compared to what they’ll get post-injury.
Whats included in the Heat offer that will make them any better off?


Oct 25, 2017
I still dont understand that situation. When did Morey renig? Was it before you chose to re-sign? If so, why re-sign? And lets say everything happened like James said it did, thats on him. Be better. If you were max worthy they wouldnt have hesitated to pay you. They wouldnt have even asked him to do the wink wink deal. Aint nobody asking Bron, even at this stage, or Steph, or KD to do no shyt like that.

You cant have it all :manny:. He got security and money and he trade freedom and flexibility for it. I have no defense for Portland, which is why he cant cry after repeatedly reupping with them despite all that you mentioned.

lol how is that James fault?

The man opted out of a 48 mil contract last year and signed a 35 mil contract last offseason.

He did that because he had an extremely close relationship with Morey…closer than any other player/Gm relationship maybe ever. They had a damn near had a father/son kind of relationship.

He thought he was working in concert with Morey because Morey was the one that approached him with that game plan and convinced him that he would use the money that James gave up to bolster the roster and build a legit championship contender. And he’d pay him the following summer

And what does Morey end up doing with the money? He signs a 40 year old PJ Tucker and a garbage ass Danuel House.

Morey already failed on the first promise but then to have the audacity to renege on paying Harden after he had promised him his bag last season and was the one that had convinced him to give up all that money in the first place shows how much of a snake he is…

Don’t matter if Harden didn’t perform in the playoffs (he was actually better than Embiid) Morey owed him that money. If you’re going to lie to a players face then you shouldnt be running the team and was rightfully called out.

Harden gave up so much money that he had the league launch an investigation. Which was all that snake Morey’s doing..


Oct 25, 2017
It's disingenuous to say that Morey didn't keep his word when Harden didn't do it himself from the beginning by working out a side deal with Houston at the same time he did with Morey. That Houston deal blew up the moment that Ime came into the fold and Harden didn't have any other choice but to opt in to the last year of that deal as no other had the bread or the interest in his services at his asking price.

Harden is just as shady in the matter as Morey is, which is why both of them are in the situation that they're in now.

There was no side deal. Houston wasn’t his first choice he was using them for leverage and was planning to bolt only if Morey didn’t keep up his end of the agreement.

I don’t see why u would blame Harden for trying to secure leverage against a shady GM and at least have a landing spot in case he got fukked over.

After what he did for them the previous offseason he should have gotten his bag no questions asked.

And once Ime snatched away that leverage Harden got left out to dry because Morey refused to pay him….never even made him an offer.

Harden had every right to be upset...


May 29, 2012
lol how is that James fault?

The man opted out of a 48 mil contract last year and signed a 35 mil contract last offseason.

He did that because he had an extremely close relationship with Morey…closer than any other player/Gm relationship maybe ever. They had a damn near had a father/son kind of relationship.

He thought he was working in concert with Morey because Morey was the one that approached him with that game plan and convinced him that he would use the money that James gave up to bolster the roster and build a legit championship contender. And he’d pay him the following summer

And what does Morey end up doing with the money? He signs a 40 year old PJ Tucker and a garbage ass Danuel House.

Morey already failed on the first promise but then to have the audacity to renege on paying Harden after he had promised him his bag last season and was the one that had convinced him to give up all that money in the first place shows how much of a snake he is…

Don’t matter if Harden didn’t perform in the playoffs (he was actually better than Embiid) Morey owed him that money. If you’re going to lie to a players face then you shouldnt be running the team and was rightfully called out.

Harden gave up so much money that he had the league launch an investigation. Which was all that snake Morey’s doing..
There is no defense of Morey. There is no defense of Harden either. The player got played :manny:. He was a FA this year. If he got played so bad why re-sign and trust the same person that just played you?
Feb 24, 2017
Dame and his team must not have read up on the new CBA.

shyt doesn't matter one bit; a reporter "allegedly" stating what he may or may not do in a hypothetical scenario is not an enforceable offence under the current or ANY CBA. And any non-Miami FO isn't going to waste the all-time haul of assets that Portland delusionally wants to bring him in if he's going to be perpetually unhappy/disinterested, even if he would "legally" be forced to show up and play for them under the CBA.