yo, we in the middle of a pandemic. All of this sports shyt is meaningless at this point. Football imo may not end up happening. Players will more than likely catch that shyt. Imagine an entire team having to quarantine for 2 weeks. Empty stadiums. I don’t see the point. Everybody is focusing on sports shyt and not on how fukked up the government is.
As far as the topic in hand. Players got other shyt their dealing with right now to be worried about Jerry Jones. And Jerry Jones doesn’t deserve to speak on nor is he qualified to speak on black issues. And every player isn’t built to be an activist. Most didn’t even finish college for that matter.
players can contribute quietly by donating to BLM. By voting. By encouraging people to vote. By supporting candidates and by going to black communities and showing love. fukk the tweets, fukk the speeches and fukk the sound bites. The time for that shyt passed when Kaep was kneeling.
And at the end of the day, most NFL players are p*ssy when it comes the all of the NFL owners which is why to take those non guaranteed contracts negotiated in a shytty labor agreement so they can spend money as soon as and a lot of times before they even get it on shyt they don’t need.