But you're defending this and are ultimately part of the problem. Cyberpunk took so long development wise that the PS4 and XB1 were still going strong. CDPR should have realized early the limitations of the hardware and punted to the next generation. On top of that, they cut out a ton of content just go gold and the game was still broken at launch. We aren't talking about something that's resolved with a patch or two. It's indefensible. I said it for Battlefield 2042 and I'll say it for Cyberpunk. Both EA/Dice and CDPR knew the games weren't ready to go, they released them anyway and the customers got left holding the bag. How many people who bought in November, came back around months later? They likely ate the loss and moved on.
you can call me "part of the problem" but neither battlefield or cyberpunk caused any problems for me
I didnt read into what cyberpunk didnt offer because I didnt buy into the hype in the first place, I took what they gave when it came out
I do agree it was 100% shytty to drop the game on Ps4 and Xbox One if it was mostly tuned for next generation consoles instead, but I mean realistically thats obviously the case in most things.... its just shytty they didnt say it runs like a cassette tape in those shyts
I still dont know what people are complaining about on battlefield, no scoreboard? I played since before launch and enjoy it... you can literally customize matches
its way more casual which doesnt matter... its not like you're gonna win money with a K/D ... people complain about classes, you can put any gun on any class... the gimmicky shyt like sentry gun and wingsuit dont matter if you just play regular and shoot the people
only thing wrong is they need twice the amount of maps
I'm not defending or saying people should like or not love something. I just dont see the point in caring when most games follow the same formula
people on here literally gave up on bethesda calling all of their games janky glitch fest unimmersive piles of shyt
after they are some of the highest regarded, best selling games of all time.
people have shyt on every sports game released this past 2-3 years... from 2k, Madden, Mlb, NHL, WWE, UFC etc you can go on and on
people shyt on farcry when they already know what to expect for the past 20 years
people shyt on Red Dead for simply being too slow of a game
I'm not sticking up for anything if I didnt exist this would still happen. I'm not saying its right or wrong its just the same shyt over and over... games drop and get patched now. I dont expect my Switch or low end PC to play games perfectly, Cyberpunk should have just said "next gen only" which still would have pissed everyone off... you cant win really. You cant ask for more features in the same game where there's too many and it wont even run on your system anyways. With the rendering and verticality you arent going to be able to add these in depth systems on an already jammed up game. Games like GTA, Spiderman, Death Stranding, MGSV are empty you dont have to render all that 20 floors worth of HDR shyt in at the same time... Even Red Dead all you're rendering is a desk, Npc and trees. They obviously packed their game to the max and were far too ambitious on crippled hardware.