so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
hell no man, there's a potential amazing game + lore inside it (which is why so many poster will defend it) but it aint worth no 60 dollars,so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
Yesdepends. Are you 6 certs/6 figures
Wait till the DLCs come out and buy it on once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
Wait till the end of the year when the free DLCs, next gen update and more fixes will be once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
Just act like they delayed it until this December and cop once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
if you got next gen or a high end pc, go for it
Not buying nothing on PCWait till the DLCs come out and buy it on PC...
The fixes and extra content from the devs along with the modding community is going to make this game what it should have been...
so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?
so once in for all, is this shyt worth buying for full price?