Consoles are not PCs and I dont understand why yall keep comparing GPUs to consoles. They can do a hell of alot more with weaker hardware due to optimization. The pc equivalent to a ps4 APU couldn't run majority of the games released this gen. Throw witcher 3 in a pc with x1/ps4 parts and see what you get.
Regardless that's not the point I was trying to make anyway.
The point is that Sony will make you pay for next gen ports while Microsoft is giving out next gen patches free of charge. The next gen port of cyberpunk will cost the price of a new game regardless of if you already own the game on ps4, the performance of the game on next gen hardware is completely irrelevant to what I'm talking about.
I didn't compare their components I compared what the next gen consoles will be lmao
if they can do more than consoles why are the value gpu's always superior to consoles
every time new consoles out they say they are suppose to do all these things and they never do
the consoles are coming out this year and you've seen zero footage of anything running on them, and you really believe cyberpunk is going to run at 4k 60fps when all the demos they've showed to this point have been 30
once again you are going to be disappointed, Xbox One X couldn't run the Witcher 3 at 4k 60 and its on low settings compared to a PC where a 1080ti can run the game at 60fps 4k with most settings on high or ultra only a few turned off
You don't understand how demanding running 4k with hi res textures is, if you're not using the best texture quality you can run anything on 4k, if the cyberpunk runs at 4k on these consoles its going to be so downgraded to the point of outrage