After hours of reloading multiple saves, finally got all the endings. Gotta take a break from this n do more side content later.
Bruhs, did I play the game wrong? Everytime put the game on hard mode, I'm getting bodied during the missions. I haven't really done any of the side mission yet but now I here y'all saying I may miss out all-together depending on how far I am. This is the point I'm at now...
Just got back to my apartment after leaving Victor's office finding out I only have so long to live
Have I missed out on the early side missions? That may be why I'm getting bodied on hard
Got a chance to play again today. Graphics truly are insane.
An upgraded SOR-22 my god
You've got a long way to go. I'm a little ahead of you story wise. I've been doing lots of side missions though.
If you're getting killed its usually because you can't take more than 3 or 4 hits before running. Find some good armored clothes. There's so many people to kill in side missions you'll find something. Also the bonus of side missions is that they'll level up your subperks. This is definitely like the old school rpgs where being good at multiple things is better than trying to min-max.
Make sure to turn off:I only get 60 fps on low settings. I want to continue playing but I might just wait for a patch. At the same time.......ain't like I paid for this s*** anyway
There also upgraded cyberware that gives you 200 armor pots
Really rough man even with the newest patchHow is this on the ps4?
DamnReally rough man even with the newest patch
Game is dope but damn it’s BAD with these bugs
I’m playing on a base model tooDamn
That's just CDPR's approach to exploration and it's the same as Witcher 3. It's not quite organic like Red Dead or Breath of the Wild, it's still heavily story scripted. Funnily enough, this approach was criticized in some games ages ago but CDPR gets a pass from everyone.Hmmm I think there actually is a small problem with the way the city is setup. Too many of the quests are "scripted" as in the Fixers set them up instead of stumbling into some truly fukked up shyt. I see what breh was saying earlier now.
It isn't bad per se but it feels like they have so much going on in the world but haven't fully taken advantage of it. Maybe things will change when I hit up other areas of the map.