I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Main Characters of the story....
- Alt Cunningham:
Alt Cunningham
A brilliant Netrunner and programmer, she invented the beta version of Soulkiller, a program that would make a digital emulation or copy of a netrunner's mind. Arasaka kidnapped her and then extracted the information on how to make it. Then they made a more deadly version that would simultaneously fry the netrunner's mind after backing it up, allowing a Sysop to interrogate it at will. They then used it on Alt since she was of no further use to them. Her digital "ghost" broke free into the Net, but could not be reunited with her body.
Johnny Silverhand
- Johnny Silverhand:
A famous and idealistic Rockerboy singer and guitarist with a silver-chrome cyberlimb arm. He opposes Arasaka for a grocery list of personal grudges from the loss of his arm to the death of many of his close friends and family. He is Alt's ex-boyfriend. He was in the Chromatic Rock band Samurai with fellow famous rocker Kerry Eurodyne, and is most famous for the songs "Chippin' In" and "Never Fade Away".
- Morgan Blackhand:
Morgan Blackhand
A pragmatic Solo with an anodised black-chrome cyberlimb arm. Generally considered to be a "Solo's Solo", with years of experience and ops under his belt.
- Rache Bartmoss:
The most brilliant (and paranoid) hacker in the Net, he invented the Hound and Demon series of programs. He was the "narrator" of the Guide to the Net and Brainware Blowout sourcebooks (posthumously edited by his rival/colleague, supreme hackerette Spider Murphy). Rache finally flatlined in 2021, either by a lucky Sysop or poor health due to repeated bouts of malnutrition and dehydration from surfing the Net too long. He had top-of-the-line life support to maintain him, but was too paranoid to trust anyone with his location or leave any means of recovering him. He spent his time deteriorating in a cryogenic freezer (disguised to look like a refrigerator) while still managing to be one of the best hackers in the Net prior to his death in the opening salvos of the Fourth Corporate War.
- Saburō Arasaka:
Saburou Arasaka
The devious and extremely aged leader of the diversified Arasaka Corporation, which not only dominates Japan but also most of the Third World (including America). He has united factions of the Japanese government, the military, organized crime and various lesser corporations under his control. Some have begun calling this era in history the "Arasaka Shogunate". He was born in 1919, and he has a prosthetic left arm.
Alt is rumored to be Gaga