shyt real, bro. If these nikkaz applied the same disingenuous logic to every other institution or janky nga misusing an ideology for personal gain they would be panning for gold in Bolivia p0asting on dial up.
This is like me saying, "fukk atomic energy as a staff, record label, & as a mfkn crew"
because Pakistan has nukes.
It's triply worse because the manual of the ideology they're clowning not only condemns Creflo Dollaz behavior, but warns its adherents against him AND declares the proliferation of nikkaz like Creflo Dollaz as a sign of the times of
mass social dysfunction. The manual explains how Creflow Dollaz is merely symptomatic along with all the other things these
weirdos cry about on here of a completely shytty oft-prophesied modern incarnation of humanity aka
nonbelieving ass janky fukkboys n bird ass bytches who run their pockets.
I'm scared of getting shot/robbed, not some nga running up on me with a Bible trying to
for a donation.
At least devout church ngaz ain't up in the club with the express direct intent of "steppin to a hater"
so they can destroy the community some more.
In fact if ur an atheist ur dumbass should be applauding Creflow Dollaz.
He uses his
intelligence against other less intelligent apes to enrich himself while doing minimal work himself. Like a politician.
But ain't enough of a valid Bliggity Black electorate so these ngaz have to rob with the pulpit. shyt beats the janky ass CAC sociopaths in gov't n finance with their hands on the Nuclear Football.
Declare a Book that Black ppl have been skimming and
completely disregarding as evidenced by their
unbelievably shytty morale in their own goddamned communities for the past 50 yrs. as being the main thing holding said Black ppl back, suburban Blackish new black turned confused militant brehs.
Declare a manual on how to build a bicycle stupid because
sociopaths use it to finesse money out of other
borderline personalities instead of building a bicycle, Unfolding scrolls to sleep at night atheist brehs.
Believe militant atheism based on scientific evidence from the same ppl who can't discount the origin of that scientific evidence as being described in an ideological manual which in turn makes the literature used to support militant atheism yet another ideological manual that births the
militant new black n CAC hip hop fan atheism we see today into a counterfeit religion,
and undercover