Mayor Michael Nutter attended a screening Thursday night and said the movie should win an Academy Award for best picture. The "Rocky" series spawned six more movies, and all the films shared a common co-star with Stallone - Philadelphia.
"The movie put Philadelphia literally on the map," Nutter said.
Stallone's run through the Italian Market and up the museum's 72 steps in the first movie propped both locations from local landmarks into iconic tourist attractions. A bronze statue of the hard-luck fighter stands at the base of the steps.
"Creed" opens a more modern Philadelphia to a new generation of fans: Johnny Brenda's, Max's Steaks, Front Street Gym. All take center stage in the new flick and so does newer lingo. "Yo!" makes way for "jawn," a Philly word that can be used to describe anything.
When Los Angeles transplant Creed (Jordan) has his first cheesesteak with love interest Bianca (Thompson), she asks for "some peppers on that jawn."
"Jawn this, jawn that," Creed said. "What's that?"
Thompson said she spent about two months around Philadelphia to add native authenticity to her character.
"There's no better way to learn how to be a Philly jawn than just spend a lot of time in some Philly jawns," she said.
Jordan was immersed for nearly a year in training for a movie that probably has more fight scenes than any of the first six movies.
"Did I get hurt? I took a few real punches, for sure. Thank Sly for that one," said Jordan, who trained with fighters Andre Ward and Gabriel Rosado.
"I know, you deserved it," Stallone said, laughing.
Rocky has become as much a Philadelphia institution as the Liberty Bell and Stallone is always greeted with a frenzy normally reserved for its real-life sports heroes.
AP News : Stallone still packs punch with Rocky fans ahead of 'Creed'