Exactly,If Coogler was involved I have no doubts he would get it right,hopefully Sly and the new director can too. And I'm sure Michael B can get Coogler on face time to chime in

. Sly after all did the first Rocky which was all about emotion,so hopefully he can do it again.
THe first one was about him wanting to prove something to his deceased father,while hating his father,and not wanting to live in his shadow. Now the second movie,he has all the money and the fame. He gets to find out you CAN'T escape your father,because his dna and personality are in you. Now that he has the money and the fame Creed can become the arrogant,monster Apollo probably was in his prime before he had a family to ground him. You forget we saw the old family man version of Creed.
Creed can be out here wild,doing coke lines like Scarface,cheating on his girl who we all like who is going deaf

. He's basically Killmonger in this movie again,but a bigger scum bag lol. We get to see a darker version of what Apollo Creed could have been,which is what we know Creed would hate to become if you remember the first movie. Then Drago comes back on the scene with his son,and refocuses him on the right path,he has to try to get his old lady back etc.
Or just have him beat Drago to death,and he fights ol boy from the last movie in jail