Charge stuff on credit cards. Let the statement post and pay if off after that but before the due date.
Never make 30+ day late payments and if you have stop making them and distance yourself from them.
Don't have anything in collections and if you have settle them and distance yourself from that.
Keep your oldest credit accounts open and active by charging something on them at least once a year and paying it off.
Keep your credit utilization low meaning the amount you have on credit vs the limit of the card. I'd say under 10% if possible. Mine is 4%-5%.
Having a mix of installment loans and revolving credit helps but isn't required.
Keep that stuff going for years and you'll have a 750+ score.
That's some bullshyt tho, car companies always advertising these crazy great deals but when you read the small print, it's always reserved for folks in the 800 range.
Is their any major difference from 740 and the 800 range really? Since my girl turned 18 I drilled in her how important credit is. Credit rating system is bullshyt. Been stuck in the 740 range for months now, currently at 746. She keeps her accounts at $0 and pays off balances immediately. Her available credit is $16,000. She's not getting these crazy limit extensions out of no where like everyone else. Her credit is young tho, her oldest account is a little over 1.5 years old