Damn good work bruh
I also like that you plan to (go with/pull from) African mythology in your stories theme. It reminds me of what I mentioned in the OP...
NOTE: (My random thoughts on art)
Though I prefer original works be it theme or art style. I hate when folks give me "blackface" stuff I.E. black goku/superman/[insert whatever they grew up on here, but with black skin] type derivative works.
Actually thats something I liked about the boondocks. while the art style wasn't anything different the theme was like nothing else. Like I always say when you make something specifically for your(black folks) needs the end result is something novel(we have unique needs) which is what people buy into anyway(the best ver of what they already have or something they've never seen before.)
This is most obvious in music(and comedy). African Americans couldn't afford 50+ man orchestral teams suited and booted in a theater. If they tried it, it would've been a low budget ver of something other people were already doing. Instead the entire musical corpus that comes out of the AA community not only is structured different(jazz, blues, gospel, R&B, hip hop,house, techno) but the subject matter of the majority of the songs talk specifically about AA life and times. Yet and still it's the biggest export we have(for better or worse) and towers over other musical forms world wide.
For some reason people in other sectors never learn/apply the lessons from our musicians(comedians to a lessor extent) and instead of catering to our needs there by creating something new to share(sale) in the process, they give us mostly low budget derivative versions of stuff others are already pumping millions into. Ironically enough under the guise of trying to appeal to more than "just black people".
Typically we don't have the budget for the "best version"(highest production values) of a thing ....but we kill'em on the theme or type of thing we produce.
(provided we're willing to tap into our historical/cultural continuity... and it looks like you're planning to tap into it)
I'll provide more substantive feed back on your thread it self