Creationists: Please Explain Your Understanding of The Creator

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
TO give my perspective as a creationist (Not in THAT sense)

I feel like my understand of the almighty is that of a force that gives conciousness to the beings of earth.

The holy books are here not to try and explain the nature of the creature but that we can understand the good works and reality of our connectedness through his grace and creation. I have heard some very unconvincing arguments with regards to atheist morality or secular morality and I still am unconvinced. I believe morality and "good" as we understand it in the Aquinian(new word?) sense do derive from a higher power. There is plenty of knoweldge in that which is unseen is what I'm trying to say.

'Preciate it.

So you say it's a "force". That would be my understanding of it, not so much some physical thing. But take evolution for example, and I don't necessarily accept or reject evolution, I honestly don't know (:manny:), but in evolution as I understand it, everything is fighting for survival and longevity but what's causing this? It seems like there's some force.

@marcuz pointed out in the other thread that sex feels good as nature's way of tricking us into procreating whether we want to or not. But what is "nature"? What is forcing us to continue to survive? Some force right?

And then morality is just a whole 'nother discussion. But I think that's where religion can help, IF it has you doing right. But a self help book or a simple fable can have you doing right too. At the end of the day, I think that's what's most important.
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