Creationists: Please Explain Your Understanding of The Creator

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
I cant see God. God is faith based. I see his work and know he exists. Scientifically i understand that i am nothing more then a series of atoms that have been smashed together for form an organism. When i die, and rot, what happens to my sub atomic particles, where do they go, i dont know but they dont vanish into nothing because obviously, nothing is every truely gone, just transitions to something else. What that something is, i believe its heaven or hell. If its something else, well, i didnt miss out on anything besides demonic filth and im alright with that.

How do i know if im passing his test, i dont. I just hope i am. Even if i knew i failed at this point in time, i wouldnt live the rest of my life like a demonic beast because that isnt who i am as a person. I dont try to be good because im afraid of the consequences, its just in me, but i still have moments of weakness where demonic forces tempt my into wrong. Will i pass, who knows, thats between me and God not me and anyone on this Earth.

But what about animals? What happens to their particles when they die? Energy is not destroyed, science teaches us that. So I can see death not being "the end". But no joking here, remember in the Lion King when Mufasa explained the circle of life? So wouldn't our bodies decompose and become fertilizer for the Earth? The matter is thus recycled.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
But what about animals? What happens to their particles when they die? Energy is not destroyed, science teaches us that. So I can see death not being "the end". But no joking here, remember in the Lion King when Mufasa explained the circle of life? So wouldn't our bodies decompose and become fertilizer for the Earth? The matter is thus recycled.

What about animals? Beasts arent held to the same standard as human beings. They are doing what they're designed to do and as human beings we have dominion over them. Scripture tells us that its wrong to treat animals badly so how you treat animals in this life may actually play into your Game Over score.

Still, i dont know what happens to animals when they die but im not going to listen to a demonic company like Disney to explain the afterlife to me.

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
What about animals? Beasts arent held to the same standard as human beings. They are doing what they're designed to do and as human beings we have dominion over them. Scripture tells us that its wrong to treat animals badly so how you treat animals in this life may actually play into your Game Over score.

Still, i dont know what happens to animals when they die but im not going to listen to a demonic company like Disney to explain the afterlife to me.

But animals are made up of the same materials as humans. So if our material "lives on" after death, wouldn't their's too?

:dead: @ Disney

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
there !s no way to "understand" a creator... i bel!eve !n God but ! also bel!eve !n evolut!on... some th!ngs just cant be expla!ned, but people waste t!me seek!n the answer anyway....

So basically you believe blindly and lack the ability to explain your own belief? I'm basically asking what your definition of God is and you have no answer.

I've asked 2 questions today, you've appeared in both threads and have contributed a grand total of nothing.

So here's my 3rd and 4th questions: What is your purpose here? Why are you wasting our time if you so clearly have nothing to contribute?


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
So basically you believe blindly and lack the ability to explain your own belief? I'm basically asking what your definition of God is and you have no answer.
I've asked 2 questions today, you've appeared in both threads and have contributed a grand total of nothing.
So here's my 3rd and 4th questions: What is your purpose here? Why are you wasting our time if you so clearly have nothing to contribute?

no ! bel!eve there !s someth!ng h!gher than me that !n all my years ! st!ll wont be able to dec!pher, so ! dont try... ! already quoted as close to what my def!n!t!on of God !s... coulda !gnored me... when people start say!n the same sh!t !n c!rcles !ts a waste... ! was interested !n the threads but you keep counter!n an answer w!t the same quest!on....

youd be a great pol!t!c!an... but get laughed off the debate team....

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
And if you look to HL you're totally screwed. :russ:

Yes this is true. These friends dont really care about learning so much as they care about pushing agendas you hear on fox news and Msnbc. Most things outside of the box get laughed at and spoken of demonically. Sad.


All Star
Aug 8, 2012

Deep. But couldn't that belief go the other way too? Belief and disbelief form an interesting dichotomy. If you believe in God and I don't, you call me a disbeliever. But if I believe in evolution and you don't, wouldn't that make you a disbeliever to me?

Good shyt though. I like that definition of belief.

not sure if I understand fully what you are saying breh but I don't deal in belief at all. Either I know or I don't. When people say "I believe in god", how do they KNOW they're not worshiping the devil :manny:??? Everything in life is based on knowledge. The 1st thing you do before you do anything is have a thought. This is not belief. So if everything we do in life is based on knowledge, then belief should have no place in our lives. Why would god NOT want us to KNOW who he is, makes no sense...he's the author of peace not confusion...

Now when atheist say they don't believe in religion or god, the gems to pick up here is that god is righteous regardless of the labels people put on him so indeed he has no religion, but the universe is mathematically crafted, so this did NOT happen by chance like atheist claim.

Mathematics is the operating system of the universe. Dark Matter is matter you can't see with the naked eye but we know it exists because of it's gravitational pull on other objects. It's like the black ice you don't know is there until you slip. God is within everyone and everything, because he is living mathematics. Rich people know this. They know nothing in the heavens gave them that luxury, they themselves made it happen. Cause & Effect, karma. THIS is how god is omnipresent.

1 Cor: 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of god and that the spirit(Mathematics) of god dwells in you?

In ancient khemet there were 9 gods called the Ennead that created the universe. As well as Nu which is basically the darkness of "space" before there were sun, moon, stars etc that gave "birth" to the supreme god or Atum. Or the darkness inside your head, or the darkness of your mother's womb. Triple Darkness Eric B. & Rakim - I Ain't No Joke - YouTube

The 9 gods + Nu were

1. Atum(Atom)
2. Shu
3. Tefnut
4. Geb
5. Nut
6. Osiris
7. Isis
8. Set
9. Nephthys
0. Nu

When one studies the kabbalah and the tree of life. There are 10 sephirot.

1. Kether(Crown)
2. Hokmah(Wisdom)
3. Binah(Understanding)
4. Hesed(kindness)
5. Gevurah(severity)
6. Tiferet(beauty)
7. Netzach(Splendor)
8. Hod(Eternity)
9. Yesod(Foundation)
0. Malkuth(Kingdom)

Lastly there are 10 numbers in supreme mathematics(the operating system of the universe)

1. knowledge
2. wisdom
3. understanding
4. culture or freedom
5. power or refinement
6. equality
7. god
8. build or destroy
9. born
0. cipher

As you can see, this is nothing made up. It takes 9 months for a baby to be born. 8 is build or destroy because it is the continuous process of life, it goes on forever, the 8 on it's side is the sign of infinity...

Each man and woman is king or queen of his/her own life and depending on how you use your math to navigate life you'll be rewarded with rewards or penalties. Nothing happens just because. "Life is like a game of chess"


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
so many questions...we should enjoy the search for answers whether we find them or not, they will surely find us.

any man who claims to know the meaning to life or death is surely a fool amongst fools.

i for one live by one rule:

treat others the way i would want to be treated.

things work themselves out from there.