Probably drunk
What's the issue here?
If you are allowed to spew "scientific theories" then you must allow equal time for opposing views.
Why waste time and money on silly fairytales?
What's the issue here?
If you are allowed to spew "scientific theories" then you must allow equal time for opposing views.
what's your religion?Why waste time and money on silly fairytales?
what's your religion?
who do you think created the universe?none
who do you think created the universe?
:zfg:We demand equal time for Moorish Science and the Yakub theory of grafting DEVILS.
no...not really.
We demand equal time for Moorish Science and the Yakub theory of grafting DEVILS.
the shamelessnesshttp://www.janetmefferdpremium.com/2014/03/20/janet-mefferd-radio-show-20140320-hr-1/
starts at the 20:05 mark
no...not really.
Creationism isn't a theory, it's a belief. The difference isn't even subtle. You cannot have a scientific show and use the bible as proof...that's just not very scientific.
If I come out and say a giant turtle shyt the universe out does that deserve equal air time too? Are these creationist going to champion oh I don't know let's say a Wiccan acount of creation? How about the native American, Norse or Greek version? WE going to give "equal" air time to those BELIEFS as well?
Perhaps we could talk to the "church" channel and see about them picking up Cosmos and airing it Sunday morning right between Joel Olsten and Benny Hinn?