search my posts on ride-sharing and TLC, I know exactly how uber and lyft operate in this city.
traffic was never this bad which makes your policy choices confusing, we need transportation alternatives! people are buying more and more cars especially since the pandemic and traffic isn't gonna get any better.
i was gonna post some data i was collecting in the NYC bike thread a few months back but my browser crashed and I didn't want to start the research process again. there was a government study that showed that the vast majority of americans on a daily basis don't travel more than 3 miles from their home. now imagine if people had better and more reliable public transit or protected bike lanes where they can choose those methods of transportation instead of driving everywhere.
parking is bad in NYC, a place in which more than half the residents don't own cars. how do you not see the parking and traffic situation getting worse if folks feel like they have to own a car to get around?
one night about 3 years ago I spent 3 hours looking for parking 11:xx pm to 2:xx am and it wasn't because of open streets, uber or lyft.
"we need transportation alternatives"
in a city that has straight up cut bus lines several times over the years.
in a city that has added 4 subway stops in 30 years, no new subway lines, with one whole borough still having no subway access to the rest of the city. Subway service between the boroughs remains abysmal as way too many point A to point B trips between Brooklyn and Queens require a detour through Manhattan.
My favorite part of mass transit in this city is that it is at its worst on weekends, when everyone and their mama seems to jump into a car and drive around. Wouldn't it make more sense to have no reduction in service on the weekends to keep people out of their cars if that's your actual goal?

Most Americans don't travel more than 3 miles from home ... that's cool but completely ignores that most people in NYC work in Manhattan or the commercial centers of their boroughs.
Cut it out with the nonsense.