And for the last time, you're wrong. Black folks have civil rights
if you think black people have rights, that's fine, thats your opinion, thank you for sharing your opinion with me
but again, im not contradicting myself when i say black people dont have any civil rights, just because my opinion is different than yours doesnt mean im contradicting myself
Go use the "real" rhetoric for someone who doesn't think for self
wow, I didn't realize I would need to explain this
Actively protesting rights infringement, doesn't mean you don't have the right
Protesting gun ownership infringement, doesn't mean you don't have the right to own guns
Protesting freedom of speech infringement, doesn't mean you don't have the right to freedom of speech
Protesting freedom of the press, doesn't mean that the press doesn't have have the freedom to report what they want
im just asking you a simple question, a yes or no will suffice
this is what i asked you
so you are saying that police are killing black people, and their rights are being violated but black people still have civil rights, is that what you are saying?
yes or no
All it means is that you're manipulative for the sole purpose of pushing a narrative
Such a person nobody could trust or build with because you use racial tensions and blind ignorance as your means to push a narrative, not to solve a problem
you're hurting my feelings
"members of the NAACP" now means the entire NAACP?
They could've just said the NAACP, but they specified members to distinguish from the organization
that's a minor point, the main point is that the people against garvey where supported by white liberals
So the actions of members of an organization, regardless of their role and activitiy within the org, represent the entire organization
no but since the prominent members of the naacp where agaisnt garvey its safe to say the naacp was against garvey
I guess the BLM shot those cops too then
yeah you could say that if the shooters participated in meetings and was part of the blm leadership
So a member of the electric union murks his fam, it was the union that did it
yeah they would be if the union was encouraging him to kill and if the killer was part of the leadeship of the union
Cop kills someone, it was the entire police department that killed that person
Lol. So the police is paid by a white economy that consist of both whites and non-whites, called tax payers
black people are only 10 percent of the populations and in even in black cities most of the revenue comes from white business and corporations
so yes, cops are paid by white money and that is what they answer to
Suggestion for you, use your racial rhetoric against a lazy thinker to inaccurately portray something
thanks, i will consider that, im always open to new suggestions and you can always learn something even from a complete idiot such as yourself so i will definitely think about your suggestion
ok ive thought about it
You finally admits it. You're pushing a narrative
yeah im using facts to push a narrative that white liberal money misleads black people
I finna use facts to provide proper context, clarity and understanding, that empowers an individual to think for self
good for you, im happy for you
Again, you should be in your own economic lane, but instead you need to shyt on another effort to prop your effort higher
im shytting on anybody that puts social activism ahead of economics
That's why I keep asking you to be an adult, stop the childish ways and ego tripping
im not tripping, im chilling
You have no facts whether the Soros' provided BLM an agenda
i have facts that deray was getting money from soros' friends
whether BLM provided the financiers with an agenda
never said i did, but i wouldnt be surprised if they did
Your entire argument is based on purely assumptions, speculations, and stereotype
my arguments is based on facts
A few BLM spokesmen are already gay themselves, it only makes sense that they are also active in gay matters too
and they need to stop that, black people have nothing to do with the homosexual agenda
This is why you constantly use racial terms because you think you're talking with someone that blindly follows assumptions/stereotypes based on labels. The same labeling tactic you're using, is the same tactic used by too many non-black folks against blacks folks
try again
Repeating something doesn't mean you're correct
Arbitrarily using racial labels to evoke a pattern of thinking based on stereotypes and assumptions, doesn't mean you're correct
Misrepresenting my stance, doesn't mean you're correct
Clearly, an independent thinker is your kryptonite
it doesnt but i just like to repeat it, lets repeat what your point is, your point is that black people should ignore that blm is getting funded by white liberals just like black people ignored white liberals funding the naacp as they colluded with the government to deport the Honorable Marcus Garvey
lets marinate on your need to misrepresent my stance and history, after admitting to trying to encourage a certain narrative
your stance is that we should ignore white liberals funding blm and that we should be grateful that white liberals are funding black groups
did i miss something?
deflection fail. That's not even the point. How many times do I have to repeat the meaning of the quote for you to understand?
funding is the point im making, i dont know why you keep repeating the quote since it has nothing to do with what im saying
we are, or at least i am, discussing funding
lol. you just ether yourself
In a seperate discussion, a rich black person will be considered a target too under white supremacy
of course they would because black people dont have an economy, so a single black person would be subject to white supremacy
He admitted the importance of wealth building and specified the lack of an economic component within BLM
So again, why are you trying to add on to their agenda instead of doing your own thang, everyone has their own lane
Why is that so difficult for you to understand
because my point is that economics should be priority, not just another issue
what part of "economics comes first" is it that you dont understand?
You can't be doing much cause you're busy trying to shyt on a movement that has to do with you
While these BLM are on the front line, you stay at home plotting your loose end goals
i think blm has good intentions but they have been mislead by white liberals who have convinced them that social activism is the key and that they need to go around trying to convince white people to be nice to black people
Trying to mislead and misrepresent is all you're doing
Save all that moral victory BS with "bu bu I'm trying"
all i can do is try
Nikkas are fed up of hearing from your kind about the "whiteman" and speeches about "the dangers of white liberals" that's not complimented by actions, achievements, and practical short/long term goals
Telling a nikka to go make a billionare to combat police brutality, you just permanently lost soldier
so you think its better to go and beg white people to be nice?
And your need to change the agenda of an organization is unnecesaary
And getting your economics right, regardless of protesting or not, is what responsible citizens do, regardless of color
And don't get it twisted, Marcus Garvey was a great man, leader and I'm a strong believer in his efforts and philosophies towards uprooting white supremacy. But knowing his history doesn't spark motivation and commitment because of the realities of folks' lives now
Mariante on these realities...
Black history has been available, doesn't spark motivation and commitment
Black struggle has been portrayed, doesn't spark motivation and commitment
Prefixing the word black on concepts, doesn't spark motivation and commitment
Having a good credit score, doesn't spark motivation and commitment
Black skin, doesn't spark motivation and commitment
Labeling with terms like "whiteman begging", "white liberal funding," doesn't spark motivation and commitment
i didint read all that, i tried but it was too incoherent but it sounds interesting, thank you for sharing your thoughts, ill come back to it when i have more free time
no alternate orgs to suggest + no funding to offer + racial labels = stereotypical black militant
so bottom line is you think black people should ignore blm getting funded by soros and his white liberal buddies
is that what you are trying to say?