COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)

Nero Christ

Sniper out now on all digital platforms brev
Jan 15, 2017
St. Lucia
All countries are suffering from the virus, not just America. Uk, a much smaller country than us is averaging a 1,000 deaths a day

how many countries had their leader saying the virus is a hoax, making fun of people wearing masks, holding several events which put people at risk, setting an incredibly poor example for dummies across this country to emulate, denying states funding & resources for covid because their liberal, had billions going to the pentagon at the same time doctors & nurses couldn't get ppe and were stuck with makeshift supplies, letting Americans go months w/o financial relief, prioritizing billion dollar corporations & the wealthy over everyday citizens, or flat out lying ealry on about the severity of this virus...I can keep going

why yall get the need to defend a person, government, & a system that has blatantly showed it doesn't give 2 shyts about you, your family or anyone else remains to be seen...shyt is like battered wife syndrome


Feb 9, 2014
My bro and his wife were COVIDiots spreading all the 5G rumours, etc and works out she got it and gave it to him.

I was asking him how he was etc, and he was saying fine - but then his wife called our mum to tell him how bad he was. Couldn't breathe, couldn't get out of bed, etc and was quite serious. But he didn't want to check into hospital for some reason.

I hope to talk to him to tomorrow and ask if he's still not going to get the vaccine (or whatever is suggested for people who have had it) or help promote COVID-awareness for others as they have been taking this as a joke and been interacting with people.

I hope he has no long term effects as he's 46 and asthmatic

Jean toomer

Oct 15, 2015
My bro and his wife were COVIDiots spreading all the 5G rumours, etc and works out she got it and gave it to him.

I was asking him how he was etc, and he was saying fine - but then his wife called our mum to tell him how bad he was. Couldn't breathe, couldn't get out of bed, etc and was quite serious. But he didn't want to check into hospital for some reason.

I hope to talk to him to tomorrow and ask if he's still not going to get the vaccine (or whatever is suggested for people who have had it) or help promote COVID-awareness for others as they have been taking this as a joke and been interacting with people.

I hope he has no long term effects as he's 46 and asthmatic
That’s not a good indicator. He most likely will have long term effects to his lungs...if he survives. Encourage him to check into the hospital immediately, at least they can put him on a ventilator and provide steroids. Your brother may die in his home if he doesn’t come to his senses. Best of luck to you and your family friend.


Feb 9, 2014
That’s not a good indicator. He most likely will have long term effects to his lungs...if he survives. Encourage him to check into the hospital immediately, at least they can put him on a ventilator and provide steroids. Your brother may die in his home if he doesn’t come to his senses. Best of luck to you and your family friend.

Thank you.

Yes I am going to tell him about the long-term COVID effects and hope he checks into the hospital anyway. Apparently he is getting better at home, but yesterday was the first day he was able to get out of bed which isn't good.

@TENET is blood oxygen levels the best way to check for COVID severity?


Nov 12, 2014
Thank you.

Yes I am going to tell him about the long-term COVID effects and hope he checks into the hospital anyway. Apparently he is getting better at home, but yesterday was the first day he was able to get out of bed which isn't good.

@TENET is blood oxygen levels the best way to check for COVID severity?

This is my understanding of it.

It is one of the best ways that people can check for hypoxia or oxygen starvation signs (not symptoms) at home / independently by themselves and will give you an "warning" about silent oxygen starvation occurring as a result of covid affecting oxygen -> blood / cell transfer in your lungs.

That is what it covers. The reason why it is a good thing to do is that without it you could become dangerously ill without feeling a corresponding level of discomfort.

Good blood oxygen levels in and of themselves are not an indication that everything is ok so using an oximeter is not everything and should not replace medical consultation (esp. if you are feeling unwell) and other home checks like temperature, other symptoms.

It is like a canary in a coal mine. The fact that the canary is still alive doesn't mean that the mine isn't about to collapse in on you. However if the canary suddenly collapses, you has better take action and quickly.

You could have good blood oxygen levels but that doesn't guarantee that covid hasn't successfully attacked other organs, or that covid hasn't led to the formation of dangerous blood clots etc.

In short, it is NOT a necessary precondition to dangerous covid, BUT an accurate low blood oxygen reading is a sign that something could be seriously wrong.

If breh is at home he should be monitoring his blood oxygen.

The mandem already know that I am not a doctor or medical practitioner and this is my opinion only.

Jean toomer

Oct 15, 2015
This is my understanding of it.

It is one of the best ways that people can check for hypoxia or oxygen starvation signs (not symptoms) at home / independently by themselves and will give you an "warning" about silent oxygen starvation occurring as a result of covid affecting oxygen -> blood / cell transfer in your lungs.

That is what it covers. The reason why it is a good thing to do is that without it you could become dangerously ill without feeling a corresponding level of discomfort.

Good blood oxygen levels in and of themselves are not an indication that everything is ok so using an oximeter is not everything and should not replace medical consultation (esp. if you are feeling unwell) and other home checks like temperature, other symptoms.

It is like a canary in a coal mine. The fact that the canary is still alive doesn't mean that the mine isn't about to collapse in on you. However if the canary suddenly collapses, you has better take action and quickly.

You could have good blood oxygen levels but that doesn't guarantee that covid hasn't successfully attacked other organs, or that covid hasn't led to the formation of dangerous blood clots etc.

In short, it is NOT a necessary precondition to dangerous covid, BUT an accurate low blood oxygen reading is a sign that something could be seriously wrong.

If breh is at home he should be monitoring his blood oxygen.

The mandem already know that I am not a doctor or medical practitioner and this is my opinion only.
Agreed but the problem with home pulse ox tests are they are not very sensitive. I would have him go to the doctors or A and E to use a standard pulse ox.


Jan 29, 2015
Job tried to gaslight me into coming back into the office and also used not physically being in the office as a way to not give me a raise.

We’ve had over 10 cases in our building since March and we all know white people be dirty as shyt and not washing they hands so I can see why.

DIRECTOR & HR: “Well when will you come back to the offi.....”

me: “no”

DIRECTOR & HR: “We feel like your quality of worked has dropped since working from home and....”

me: “yeah that’s a no for me”

DIRECTOR & HR: “Well it’s good to see a face every once and awhile even if on a webcam”

Me: “yeah I feel you”

DIRECTOR & HR: “....”

Me: :youngsabo:

DIRECTOR & HR: “Well thank you and let’s plan for a good 2021 and also let’s...”

Me: *hangs up by accident, sends message explaining bad connection*



the lesbian converter
Nov 8, 2013
OG Coli Night
DIRECTOR & HR: “Well when will you come back to the offi.....”
me: “no”
DIRECTOR & HR: “We feel like your quality of worked has dropped since working from home and....”
me: “yeah that’s a no for me”
DIRECTOR & HR: “Well it’s good to see a face every once and awhile even if on a webcam”
Me: “yeah I feel you”
DIRECTOR & HR: “....”

Me: :youngsabo:
DIRECTOR & HR: “Well thank you and let’s plan for a good 2021 and also let’s...”
Me: *hangs up by accident, sends message explaining bad connection*


This was a lot like the call I had when my old job tried to stop me from getting unemployment. Me vs directors of HR & Security with a lady from the state dept. moderating. Got my money two weeks later.
They some bums for not giving you that raise tho smh


Nov 12, 2014
Agreed but the problem with home pulse ox tests are they are not very sensitive. I would have him go to the doctors or A and E to use a standard pulse ox.

I am not saying that the guy should stay and home and test himself. I am saying that if medical staff say he should stay at home he should do what he can which includes monitoring his temp and oxygen. I wasn't aware of the full context when I first replied anyway. I just saw the @me.

I intentionally added these specific terms:

"should not replace medical consultation"

"accurate low blood oxygen reading"

I was going to get into vitamin D (K), zinc, ionophores etc but decided not as that just risks getting mired down by caveats, risks giving misleading impressions and it's all individual and requires expert advice and individual risk weighted decision making as well. Discussions re. supplements etc are buried in this thread. There are video links from MedCram, DrBean, John Campbell and others in here too where they go into depth about supplements / options. MedCram/Sehult (spelling?) does a video about what he is taking each day (and he is a doctor who treats covid patients each day). MedCram did a video with John Campbell the other day and in that equal context it highlighted just how much MedCram actually knows about covid.



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Yahoo is now a part of Verizon Media

The UK reported a further 1,325 deaths from coronavirus, the highest daily figure since the start of the pandemic, as fears grew about the impact of rising cases on the NHS.

Senior government officials and scientists are concerned there could now be up to 150,000 infections daily across the country despite the imposition of a third national lockdown.

It suggests that the prevalence of the virus in the community is much more widespread than it was in the first wave and that the current restrictions may only result in a plateau or slow decline in the number of cases and deaths rather than the sharp drop seen in April.

While deaths are expected to begin falling in February, it means that restrictions may have to remain in place longer even with the rollout of the vaccination programme.

The figure of 1,325 deaths reported on Friday surpassed the previous record of 1,224 set on 21 April 2020, and brings the official total for deaths within 28 days of a positive test to 79,833.

Labour leader Keir Starmer described the record death toll as a “tragedy” and added: “It was not bad luck and it was not inevitable. The government must do everything it can to vaccinate Britain.”

The number of daily positive tests also surged to a new record of 68,053, bringing the UK total up to 2,957,472, according to the Department of Health and Social Care, as it emerged that the new variant of Covid-19 could account for more than 60 per cent of cases.

Scientists have estimated the rate of transmission had increased across the country, with the R number now estimated to be between 1 and 1.4, and the government launched a major advertising campaign urging the public to “act like you’ve got it” and stay at home.

More than half of all major hospital trusts in England currently have more Covid-19 patients than at the peak of the first wave of the virus, with more than 29,200 Covid patients in hospitals across the country.

On Friday London mayor Sadiq Khan declared a major incident in the capital because hospitals are “at risk of being overwhelmed”, with beds likely to run out within the next two weeks.

Warning that the virus was “out of control”, Mr Khan said that as many as one in 30 people now have Covid-19 in some parts of the capital.

Hospitals across London have been forced to open up extra beds in operating theatres and other wards with more than 7,000 Covid patients in beds across the capital. In some hospitals more than half of all beds are taken up by coronavirus patients.

Hundreds of cancer operations are being cancelled in the city and an urgent appeal has gone out for nurses and doctors across London to work at the Nightingale in east London’s Excel Centre, which will take recovering patients who are no longer testing positive for Covid.

Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, tweeted: “The situation in the NHS is very serious and the number of people in intensive care is rising rapidly. We must all take the lockdown very seriously.”

The latest case and death figures contain some deaths that took place over the Christmas and new year period due to a lag in reporting recent data.

Separate figures kept by the UK’s statistics agencies show that there were 82,624 deaths with the coronavirus mentioned as a cause as of 18 December, which when added to more recent data suggests there have now been 95,000 deaths involving Covid-19. The government’s official death toll of 79,833 relates to those who died within 28 days of a positive test.

Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashcroft, commenting on the record number of deaths, said: “Boris Johnson should have locked down sooner.”

Meanwhile a third vaccine, from US biotech firm Moderna, was approved for use in the UK by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

Nearly 1.3m people had been vaccinated by 3 January, according to official figures, following the approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca jabs.

Read More


Feb 9, 2014
This is my understanding of it.

It is one of the best ways that people can check for hypoxia or oxygen starvation signs (not symptoms) at home / independently by themselves and will give you an "warning" about silent oxygen starvation occurring as a result of covid affecting oxygen -> blood / cell transfer in your lungs.

That is what it covers. The reason why it is a good thing to do is that without it you could become dangerously ill without feeling a corresponding level of discomfort.

Good blood oxygen levels in and of themselves are not an indication that everything is ok so using an oximeter is not everything and should not replace medical consultation (esp. if you are feeling unwell) and other home checks like temperature, other symptoms.

It is like a canary in a coal mine. The fact that the canary is still alive doesn't mean that the mine isn't about to collapse in on you. However if the canary suddenly collapses, you has better take action and quickly.

You could have good blood oxygen levels but that doesn't guarantee that covid hasn't successfully attacked other organs, or that covid hasn't led to the formation of dangerous blood clots etc.

In short, it is NOT a necessary precondition to dangerous covid, BUT an accurate low blood oxygen reading is a sign that something could be seriously wrong.

If breh is at home he should be monitoring his blood oxygen.

The mandem already know that I am not a doctor or medical practitioner and this is my opinion only.

Thank you man, appreciate it. Been a bit worried over the past few days.

I just spoke to his wife and she said he's out of bed and breathing more clearly but still coughing. I ordered a oximeter just in case and told her that he needs to check in with his GP if he doesn't want to go to the hospital, but no idea if he'll listen. His wife told me he was being very stubborn and not taking any bits, asthma medicine or anything and was just laying on the ground coughing.

BTW you said you hate anti-maskers and the worse ones are runners for me. They want to run right next to you, breathing all hard and not even making space and in these East London streets they want to run down the riverside where more people just want to walk. They're the biggest annoyance for me since lockdown. I understand everyone trying to keep fit but they need to consider there is a respiratory disease going on and breathing out hard as fukk near people is dangerous.

I just don't know what to say anymore about this whole situation anymore.

I am not saying that the guy should stay and home and test himself. I am saying that if medical staff say he should stay at home he should do what he can which includes monitoring his temp and oxygen. I wasn't aware of the full context when I first replied anyway. I just saw the @me.

I intentionally added these specific terms:

"should not replace medical consultation"

"accurate low blood oxygen reading"

I was going to get into vitamin D (K), zinc, ionophores etc but decided not as that just risks getting mired down by caveats, risks giving misleading impressions and it's all individual and requires expert advice and individual risk weighted decision making as well. Discussions re. supplements etc are buried in this thread. There are video links from MedCram, DrBean, John Campbell and others in here too where they go into depth about supplements / options. MedCram/Sehult (spelling?) does a video about what he is taking each day (and he is a doctor who treats covid patients each day). MedCram did a video with John Campbell the other day and in that equal context it highlighted just how much MedCram actually knows about covid.


Just seen this too, thanks.

I'm telling him now to discuss with his GP regarding long-COVID effects and telling him to keep him vitamins up to level.

Watched NHS video and they said if oxygen drops lower than 95% consistency then you should call 999.

I think this is the MedCram video you're talking about

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Organic Trees

Go Cavs! #LetEmKnow
Jan 1, 2015
Cleveland born & raised
I have my opinions regarding different things but one ting we all should be able to agree on is wear your fukkin’ masks:francis:

This older black lady was looking at me like :francis: because I had two masks on. Clown me all you want but I’ve been blessed so far *knocks on wood*

I have anger issues so I know I can bring the pressure if necessary so I try to stay humble but these anti maskers walking around like shyt sweet got me feeling some type of way