Dallas and surrounding big cities are really starting to get out of control. Our cases are really spiking. Its kind of infuriating because the governor himself behind closed doors or any doctor will tell you opening things up will just cause more people to get sick and die but its all about stopping unemployment which it wont, so doing so this is all a moot point but its too politicized now.
With testing ramping up, people are being defiant, even mocking those who are wearing gloves and masks but it hits different when it feels like someone is sitting on your chest when you breathe.
Our chief hospitalist, as well myself and others met with the dallas county judge, commissioner, Lt Gov and others. Basically a non-binary group across the networks to show data on what's going on in the trenches. Came away from the meeting frustrated, they(government) know EXACTLY what's going on but this is coming down from Washington. Its basically a war between medical experts who know the deal and see whats going on and even worse what's about to happen VERSUS the politicians who care about the money first and they have autonomy to make decisions.
One politician who shall remain nameless told us in a conference call that it took damn near everyone just to get trump on board about this not being a hoax and even taking it seriously. And when you have the Texas Lt Gov who is a smug SOB on tv and in person as well that I can attest to saying "saying people are just gonna have to die, we cant stop the economy". I just hope his own chickens come home to roost.
The government strategy is to test as many people as possible, make them quarantine, and take their chances. Greg Abbott was trying to open things back up in early april. The tests are not as abundant as they are making it, most hospital staffs are running out of and constantly reusing old PPE, there is no "essential pay", and people are steady dying and its not being reported properly to circumvent the numbers, especially in Texas..
Don't get me started on whats going on with the funeral homes and morgues, that can be a entire different post.
I'm telling people I know to go out if its essential, otherwise, continue with some form stay of staying at home...