Yea, that makes sense. Unfortunately, if the guy I was quoting is in anyway prophetic, the model will change soon. More people will go back outside and for longer periods, while interacting with more people. Thus, giving us a new peak.
The curve would be different because this time people would socially distance and wear PPE but that would seem to rule out parties, clubs, gyms, large sporting events, etc as others have mentioned.
My opinion:
We still don't have enough information I think.
We have to get more into from Sweden (lax controls), China (removing controls) and USA / UK / Italy / Spain (effect of controls) to be able to make a more informed guess. We also need open topics re. the virus answered (re-infection, long term organ damage, strains etc).
Right now given what we know I don't see a return to normal life until we find an effective vaccine. We might have something similar to normal-ish life with additional precautions (social distancing, restrictions on high risk groups, more working from home, regular / antibody tests, useful antibody / immune register, PPE) by around July at the earliest IMO. But the curve will have to have been significantly flattened by then - with far fewer cases.
The only way I could see a return to more-or-less normality happening earlier is either by,
1. the weather wiping the virus out - unlikely
2. finding some hitherto unseen hand-of-god factor like a miracle drug, miracle protective device or system
3. inventing a super screening test along with the curve having been flattened
4. discovering that this is not as dangerous as it seems to be.
5. we reach herd-immunity - unlikely
Subject to review.