And bezos ain’t doing shyt but getting more rich
Damn, just found out tonight, a woman, very sweet lady who was going to co-Facilitate the program i direct at one of the local schools passed away from Covid-19.
she couldn’t do the program this year because she was taking care of her mother. Both her and her mom passed smh
Baltimore woman grieves mother, sister due to coronavirus
Did you actually watch this video? Be honest?
What are your thoughts on Hogan? You think he’s doing the best he can given the circumstances? I’m on the fence how I feel.
Yeah, Clorox is the strongest disinfectant you can buy over the counter, stronger than alcohol. Only problem is it will burn your skin if you expose too much of it to your hand's surface, which is why you're supposed to dilute it with two parts water. Good luck finding any, though, since it's in as much short supply as alcohol.That shyt work for you big bro? I’m scared to fukk with some shyt like that, that’s some final fantasy shyt right there. That shyt sound like it’s about to raise your attack power and give you the ability to double jump.
Most of these people dont like themselvesWe're basically realizing a lot of people don't like their home, their family, their kids, or their spouse. Pretty sad existence.
I love my home. It's my sanctuary and heaven.
I haven’t been a fan prior to this obviously because of the underfunding of Baltimore City Public Schools and the sabotaging of the Red Line but honestly, I feel like he’s really been thorough in his handling of this.
From being unafraid to call out the federal government on lack of supplies to using connects in S. Korea to get masks for the state, my opinion has been favourable
Maryland’s Governor, a Republican, Is Willing to Spar With Trump for Supplies
How do you feel about his response and decision making overall?
Damn, just found out tonight, a woman, very sweet lady who was going to co-Facilitate the program i direct at one of the local schools passed away from Covid-19.
she couldn’t do the program this year because she was taking care of her mother. Both her and her mom passed smh
Baltimore woman grieves mother, sister due to coronavirus
Guess you found your answer
Anthrax, Sars, Ebola, Swine Flu....and now this wuhan one of these gon be a true pandemic
the study was done by scientists at Mass General hospital lol
Raising pH (to an alkaline state) increases the immune system’s ability to kill bacteria, concludes The Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine in London.