Question - are the death counts only for people that die in the hospitals?
Can’t really speak about the nation as a whole, but the short answer would be I suspect they get reported but there is a delay in them getting added to the count.
at least for patients who get tested in the hospital but then go home, when people die at home there is a whole process that involves the coroner, completing death certificates, notifying hospitals where the patient was recently seen, etc. So during that process hospitals get notified so that medical records can be updated to reflect that someone has died. not just in this instance With covid19 but under even normal circumstances. It doesn’t happen immediately though.
now for people who got tested out in the community and never came to a hospital, the process is likely similar. We collect info on people who get tested for epidemiological purposes (tracking cases in counties, to avoid counting duplicate results as unique cases, etc). All this gets forwarded to health department and included in reports that we have been following. If these patients die at home, I suspect a similar process from above happens. Maybe slower, maybe faster. Not sure.
for people who die at home and never get tested, even if suspicion for covid19 I assume they don’t get counted at all since it wasn’t confirmed.