Cuomo juelz gifing tf outta that teleprompter.
Honestly no I haven't. It got too depressing and I shut myself off from it
Except it's not 5%. Not even close. It's probably much closer to 0.5 once you factor in all the people who were asymptomatic and never tested. It's still sad that we're losing people, and we should do our part to slow the spread. But this is not a death sentence. Even the majority of people 70+ are beating it on their own.
Ill say this:
in times like this im glad to live in germany. We got our problems and of course you couldve improved certain things/did them better (which is kinda always the case in pretty much everything) but we arent doing that bad of a job with this.
That's something I noticed. I look at Worldometer all day, and Germany has a much lower "Deaths per Million" stat than nearby countries like France or Switzerland. Even though its "Total Cases" number is higher.
Is the medical system there THAT much better than countries next door?
Five years ago, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services tried to plug a crucial hole in its preparations for a global pandemic, signing a $13.8 million contract with a Pennsylvania manufacturer to create a low-cost, portable, easy-to-use ventilator that could be stockpiled for emergencies.
This past September, with the design of the new Trilogy Evo Universal finally cleared by the Food and Drug Administration, HHS ordered 10,000 of the ventilators for the Strategic National Stockpile at a cost of $3,280 each.
But as the pandemic continues to spread across the globe, there is still not a single Trilogy Evo Universal in the stockpile.
Instead last summer, soon after the FDA’s approval, the Pennsylvania company that designed the device — a subsidiary of the Dutch appliance and technology giant Royal Philips N.V. — began selling two higher-priced commercial versions of the same ventilator around the world.
An HHS spokeswoman told ProPublica that Philips had agreed to make the Trilogy Evo Universal ventilator “as soon as possible.” However, a Philips spokesman said the company has no plan to even begin production anytime this year.
Instead, Philips is negotiating with a White House team led by Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to build 43,000 more complex and expensive hospital ventilators for Americans stricken by the virus.
That's something I noticed. I look at Worldometer all day, and Germany has a much lower "Deaths per Million" stat than nearby countries like France or Switzerland. Even though its "Total Cases" number is higher.
Is the medical system there THAT much better than countries next door?
You gotta stay aware. So many people want to put their heads in the sand and pretend like it ain’t as bad as it is. Not staying informed is doing you and your fam a disservice.
~0.8 - 1.6% die
~4% get severe symptoms
~14% need medical aid
~20% get non-trivial symptoms
IIF the medical system is not overloaded.
That is a lot of people.
Maaan my homegirl who’s legit, she’s an attorney ..I’m sure has been quarantining and shyt since she’s working remotely.. she just hit me..Man I cant do this shyt for one whole year.
Wearing face masks and gloves everywhere
Cant hit these broads I met 2 weeks ago
Cant go to no concerts
No restaurants
No hanging with the homies
No sporting or family togethers
No gym
No barbershop
Trips to LA on business canceled
Had to shut down our store
at China
at Trump and America for taking this shyt light
Now 2020 maybe in smoke
I had to vent man.. I had this built for weeks