COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I legit hope somebody blows Trumps head off on national TV.

I cannot be happy enough if/when something happens to him like that. The damn Royal Family of Wales got the virus, and Trump goes untouched? :dwillhuh: Even white privilege has its limits on reckless power. Cause even Bernie Madoff got sent to jail for life over playing around other wealthy people's money.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I’m starting to think that maybe this is that second wave they were talking about. It doesn’t make sense to me that this shyt is affecting people so differently the way it does. Even with the flu nobody is asymptomatic. Makes me think a lot of people have already built up some antibodies to this. Just my opinion

People can be asymptomatic with the flu. It's not uncommon at all.

Apr 3, 2014
ok ok ok.... I need to Rant about something SOOOO FUKKIN ANNOYYINGGGGGGGGGGGG

Whenever I talk to other guys about being cautious about this virus, whether it's about dos and dont's, how it developped, updates etc..., ok it's all good, np


When I talk to WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUKKKKKKKKK

I talk to women I know, girls in my family.... its so fukking annoyingggggggggggg
I was talking to my sister and told her we might not be able to see our parents possibly for a year, they are elderly and ill.
She got so mad at me, and i'm like listen there's people in wuhan who tested positive, then overcame it and tested positive again.
She has a masters i psychology, and she said "we are not in wuhan"
My other cousin thinks it's all fake

other women i've had sane conversations with, but mostly no not really.
my girl cousin told me to cut onions and garlic and put it all around my bedroom, wtfff
this is so friggin ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!

copy and paste some of the posts from brehs in this thread who didn't believe it and thought it was a hoax and now they have family members tht have died.

I'm sorry it's harsh but I'm not sorry. Folks need to wake up and if I can use someone else's story to make them see the truth, I will use it

there was this chic on FB that I'm friends with that has been going off the last couple of weeks because folks been telling her to move better out here, stay home, and take this stuff serious

she was getting upset and going off on folks, tried to come on my page and come at me last week

first thing I see when I log on this morning is her saying she thinks she has it...... she's feeling symptoms but she's not sure... and how she will take this stuff serious from now on

I went to her post and said

Apr 3, 2014
ok ok ok.... I need to Rant about something SOOOO FUKKIN ANNOYYINGGGGGGGGGGGG

Whenever I talk to other guys about being cautious about this virus, whether it's about dos and dont's, how it developped, updates etc..., ok it's all good, np


When I talk to WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUKKKKKKKKK

I talk to women I know, girls in my family.... its so fukking annoyingggggggggggg
I was talking to my sister and told her we might not be able to see our parents possibly for a year, they are elderly and ill.
She got so mad at me, and i'm like listen there's people in wuhan who tested positive, then overcame it and tested positive again.
She has a masters i psychology, and she said "we are not in wuhan"
My other cousin thinks it's all fake

other women i've had sane conversations with, but mostly no not really.
my girl cousin told me to cut onions and garlic and put it all around my bedroom, wtfff
this is so friggin ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls/Women go all their lives testing limits and boundaries without real repercussion.Lot of y’all don’t think shyt is really real or if it is real y’all will skate because that’s what has happened all their lives :yeshrug:

Men know what’s up for the most part and lot of us ain’t gonna run around pushing boundaries because we know we’d get clapped up or punished with the swiftness

On a larger scale look at the differences between the reaction of the populations of Asia and The United States

South Korea and Japan know shyt can get real for them quick because they’ve lived through it or are under constant threat of some major fukkery happening .So when the government tells them to chill and sit the hell down ..They do it because they take shyt seriously

Here we still have people acting a whole ass during a pandemic Because Americans ain’t really been through shyt and we believe we’re untouchable

a few weeks ago me and my woman almost fell out cause I was telling hr what's going on and to make sure she's taking this serious, she accused me of treating her like a child

fastforward to now and she's worried and scared now that these death numbers are rolling in

I was irritated with her at first but now I'm like the breh in the other thread that said, she's grown and she better keep her head on a swivel. I'll tell her what's up and tell her what to do but when it hit the fan she better stay close cause I ain't got time to try to baby a grown up

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

Killing off the redneck icons over a pandemic that could have been prevented. How someone kill that many people of influence, and still believes that he can win re election? Dont ever kill a person from the Country genre. :ufdup: