i called the hospital emergency room, the guy over
the phone said if i feel i’m deteriorating i should
my moms all like “they wont even see you!”.. she told
me that the other night. and is telling me “a lot of people are sick like you right now”
and basically telling me im paranoid and needa calm
i’m gonna wait to see how i feel until
tonight then i will go if i don’t feel much better
Do you feel like you’re deteriorating? You said your respiratory condition feels much worse so I think that fits the definition.
that 1/3 breathe description you gave doesn’t sound good...
no disrespect but listen to your body over your mom. This disease progresses quick, and if “they won’t even see you” or in other words it will take awhile before they can see you, I don’t think you want to wait.
if you don’t feel better in the next 60 mins, I would go
Edit: I would go now. Quick story
I was 18, smelled some funny fumes coming from down in the apartments community laundrymaut. I said somethings wrong let’s get out of here, my mom said I was trippin. I took my little bro and get outta there then called the fire department.
long story short, the smell decreased but never went away, people would come over months later and say the hallway smelled like roach spray. This was November, the following April after being exposed for months my right lung collapsed, twice in 3 days. Was hospitalised twice and had to get a pleurodesis so my lung wouldn’t collapse anymore. My mom was wrong in that situation. Follow your own instinct..