Detroit Wave
Me and my wife be roasting the shut outta each other and randoms when we out
couldn’t imagine being with an unfunny lane
couldn’t imagine being with an unfunny lane
That’s that bedwench comedysee what I mean, you gotta be a comedian. You gotta be able to tell jokes on command in order to be a funny woman. My humor is random and dark, like my mom was getting on my nerves and I told her “this is why dad used to beat you” and we shared a good long laugh. I can’t just tell you a joke on command
see what I mean, you gotta be a comedian. You gotta be able to tell jokes on command in order to be a funny woman. My humor is random and dark, like my mom was getting on my nerves and I told her “this is why dad used to beat you” and we shared a good long laugh. I can’t just tell you a joke on command
see what I mean, you gotta be a comedian. You gotta be able to tell jokes on command in order to be a funny woman. My humor is random and dark, like my mom was getting on my nerves and I told her “this is why dad used to beat you” and we shared a good long laugh. I can’t just tell you a joke on command
Is your mama black ??
89% of women aint funny