Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
I was going back and forth with this chick who is married to this black guy I went to school with. She's a white republican from Arizona. I've been seeing her post all kinds of random COVID memes and jokes for the last few weeks. Today, she's on there talking about Democrats dont want to open the country because they think the unemployment numbers will help them get Trump out. First of all, she doesnt work. Her husband, is a travel agent, he works at home. I'm sure he is not in the same place financially because travel requests have probably all but slowed but I said this to her,

You know what's sad. Republican voters know they their elected officials dont care about them. So what do they do? They go out and protest to so they can go back to work. Luckily this group is a small portion but still...Instead of demanding what other governments are doing for their citizens (monthly payments, rent freezes etc) to get through this pandemic they'd rather protest to go back and work by claiming they dont want a government hand out. Why? You pay taxes, its your fukking money!! Why not demand that they agree to at least 3 months of stimulus, taking us into the summer to see if anything changes? Because THEY KNOW the people they elected wont vote for it. They'll give money to the rich! They got tax cuts in the most recent stimulus bill. Big corps? What did they do with the windfall they got with the tax cuts from last year? Bought their stock. If the mulit million and billion dollar corporations can't maintain without bailouts after A MONTH, how can every day Americans do it? Demand what your tax dollars SHOULD be paying for. Dont risk my life, the life of others, your family and friends or your own, all because you chose to support a party who shows you time and time again, they dont give a flying fukk about you. Call your representatives and tell them time to earn your damn vote! I saw a woman with a I want a haircut sign!! So now to avoid increased unemployment claims they open everything back up and you want a more than likely low wage worker at Supercuts to have to come in and cut your fukking hair? This country has gone to shyt. In Taiwan, they are giving their citizens face masks at the train station and take their temperatures to prevent a person from getting a train full of people sick. We're telling people to back to work with 1% of the population tested. We're the shyt hole country.

She replied and said but arent you working from home? Well maybe you should leave and go back to Africa. Im going to give him to this afternoon to address this or its going to be a problem. Our other classmates jumped in cursing her out but I really want to see what he says about her response. I didnt even attack her personally just the idiotic thinking of Republican voters in general and also noted those protesting are a small portion. I cant wait to see what he says. We're in a groupme group together and one of the guys just told him to log on and check his bytch lol. I gotta stop going on facebook.