Guys, this I know for a fact. Some hospitals in Florida have around 2-10 cases they are trying to treat. Meanwhile, nurses and doctors in certain areas take 0 precaution. Not even wearing a mask. No, I am not kidding.Why?
They all believe Trump and Rush Limbaugh saying this is just a cold. A nurse I know took care of a patient and now she is sick and scared. She is asking me for guidance since I was so vocal about it. That's because the CDC and these hospitals give no protocols and no guidelines. It's all juelzing. I am honestly in shock and disbelief over the negligence and sheer ignorance of some people down here.
Don't believe me ? Call a hospital in the Panhandle or West/Central FL and ask them how they are treating patients with the virus. See what you are told.
The only reason DeSantis came out and said we had cases in FL was because some nurses wanted to blow the whistle on the cover up.
If you are in FL, do not trust anybody at all. Lotta people in FL may be infected and they do not even know.
Last night, a coworker who claims to be apolitical (white woman, you know the rest) texted me asking where I got masks and hand sanitizers from. She thought it was all a hoax until the school told her all students need to have their own
Stay Safe!
We just had 1 more patient as a flight attendant in our hospital that has plenty of symptoms and she is afraid she infected all those passengers. Seriously, Florida is a zoo now. Worse is you see doctors and nurses not even wearing masks because they believed Trump and think this is just a hoax.
It's wild that someone can be smart enough to go through medical school yet dumb enough to take medical advice from Donald Trump![]()
we gonna die cuz they can't resist kung pau bats and mushu cats breh![]()
This must differ from area to area cause I had told y’all a couple days ago that the hospital my sister works at in Dallas was straight paranoid.
I heard that there was a case in Houston earlier and there have been hand sanitizer shortages reported
Heard that washing for 20+ seconds is better than hand sanitizer tho so I will stick to that.
This must differ from area to area cause I had told y’all a couple days ago that the hospital my sister works at in Dallas was straight paranoid.
I heard that there was a case in Houston earlier and there have been hand sanitizer shortages reported
Heard that washing for 20+ seconds is better than hand sanitizer tho so I will stick to that.
I'm with you there. Hate that fukking industry on multiple levels.I hope this is the end of cruise ship industry, if there's one silver lining out of all of this hopefully it's cruises dying a quick death![]()
Yeah, idk more people are probably up tied in the election right now or aren't worried about being directly affected. I agree.
Thanks beats arguing about the election