the president has spoken 

I sort of did the same. I made sure to get a couple of month’s worth of non-perishable food, prescriptions, etc. I’ve never been a prepper type person, but I just don’t think it can hurt to have some resources to spend a lot of time inside and/or have the ability to treat yourself or a loved one if they’re sick and we get to a worst case scenario where hospital beds are full.I already accepted we are all going to get this shyt.
Great article.
Is it weird to you how relatively quiet this thread is? I mean I know there’s not a lot of info yet, and a lot of what there is to talk about is scary and/or conjecture. And I know the Democratic primary has people focused on
Yeah I know breh.
I got 5 kids, a wife that works in healthcare and a lung cancer surviving father.
Im honestly terrified right now.
So they have a 10% mortality rate over there? Jesus.Italy is really going through it they just closed schools 1,000 infected 100 dead
They’re actually around 3,000 reported cases. Still a high ratio thoSo they have a 10% mortality rate over there? Jesus.